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nobody else DARES to print this

(This site intended for entertainment purposes only. No liability assumed for content.)

Election Day was now yesterday?

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CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — Yesterday, Tuesday, was April 2. It was cool, cloudy, and a bit rainy at times. Not a friendly day. Oh, and it was election day. Oops. Most voters didn’t vote on election day. They forgot, or didn’t remember, which is somewhat similar.

Ozark School Bored (I mean, Board!)

Those who voted, the few, the proud, the retired, (or perhaps candidates family members and friends?) dumped a 27-year veteran on the Ozark School Board, Peppermint Patty Q! That was the biggest upset since Name Recognition Ralph Phillips lost last year!

Her severance package is pending, I hear. She was there longer than my oldest son has been alive.

Things won’t be the same without her.

But, that’s good. ‘Cuz things weren’t good with her. Click here for more about that.

Voters got a good guy, backed by conservatives, who wears a snazzy suit and Trump red tie to meetings, to take her place, James Griffin. Or, if you wanna get formal, James F. Griffin. Just sounds more school boardy that way! He is pictured in the picture. He looks like a superintendent, don’t he?

Here are a couple questions from another news source Griffin and fellow Ozark School Board winner Dustin Kirkman answered. Click here for those.

Kirkman is tall. And, he’s a State Farm agent. But, the jury is out on whether or not he will do well to serve the district, rather than bow to the administration.

Cousin Eddie beats Liberal Merchant

“Cousin Eddie” Campbell, the Kentucky cowboy, whooped up on ALDER for ALDERMAN. I guess having the same last name as your elected position doesn’t always work!

He and Heather Alder (a liberal local merchant) were contestants in the Ward 3 Ozark alderman show. Most voters didn’t vote. Most voters who did vote don’t necessarily know they which ward they live in.

3 Good Guys (Gals?) Won Health Board

The three people endorsed by conservatives, Kim Foster, Tanya Howard, and Steve Stewart captured the 3 open positions on the county health board. That means more critical thinking, not monkeys who “follow the Faucci Fallacies’” that got us all into deep doodoo during the Plandemic.

Here is more about the health board. Click here.

Treats at Polling Places

They should have free snacks and beverages at the polling places, with cool music booming from amplifiers outside each location. (Dancing girls and a marching band wouldn’t hurt!) Maybe a big smoky grill with burgers and brats, too! Make it a party!

Then voter turnout might leap up to maybe 25 percent (LOL). This is only for April elections. November is Trump vs. Biden. Everyone and their dog will be at that gig, no party needed.

By the way, Trump and Biden don’t need to debate. They don’t need to campaign or spend any money. Voters already have their minds made up. Nobody is on the fence about them (if they are already a voter.)

SPECIAL THANKS TO DAVID RICE of We the People of Christian County for links to his material.

Johnny Rooster is still living in Christian County, despite many people’s concerns. He appreciates all the hate mail and is truly shocked by an occasional fan supporting him. If you can’t read, go to his YouTube channels for video content. Christian County Trumpet and Johnny Rooster Comedy. Oh, and SightsofSpringfieldMO. Click on the links and subscribe!

33400cookie-checkElection Day was now yesterday?

3 responses to “Election Day was now yesterday?”

  1. […] attention here… Alder was NOT re-elected. She lost to Eddie Campbell, (CLICK HERE FOR MORE) likely because Alder was presented as a left-wing liberal, and Eddie as a right-wing conservative. […]

    1. Christian County Trumpet Avatar
      Christian County Trumpet

      Mrs. Rogers,
      I appreciate your interest in the blog. The purpose of this article about the Ozark mayor was to discourage him from putting someone on the board of aldermen that voters had not elected. If I had talked with him directly about it, he would have had the opportunity to be evasive and passify me, but still do it. Now that the idea is out there in print, he will be less likely to install someone who isn’t the choice of the voters. I write my blog for voters and taxpayers, but I am also writing to entertain through satire. It’s a fine line, and people don’t read straightforward news to the degree they read dicey material. Your points are well taken. We all have rights under our Constitution to communicate. By the way, slander is verbal. Libel is written. I committed no libel, because I didn’t say he was doing anything deliberately wrong without facts. I suggested he was tempted to. That’s a dissuasive measure. I think he will think twice about going around voters’ backs because of this valid entertaining article. I believe he would have done so without the article. It’s fire prevention.
      I enjoyed your comments and appreciate your interest!
      Johnny Rooster

    2. Christian County Trumpet Avatar
      Christian County Trumpet
