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Blog Posts

It’s not what you know. It’s what you learn.

  • People don’t like the Christian County Trumpet

    Many readers enjoy the candid feel of the articles I write; however, some don’t. They think I’m not polite enough to elected officials. Well, public officials are held to a higher standard than the rest of us. I’m a journalist with a degree in journalism; I worked for 4 different newspapers full time and a…


  • Ozark School bully situation blows up on social media

    OZARK, MO — A recent post on Ozark Mo Community Chitchat Facebook page blew up with comments. The anonymous post about an Ozark Junior High girl being bullied by another student brought a barrage of responses in a thread that swelled up like Grape nuts in milk! Some decried the school for not holding bullies…


  • Truth now: Who is the man behind the curtain?

    CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — My name is Johnny Rooster. I publish a free news and entertainment blog. It’s opinion based, but anyone living in Christian County, Missouri is welcome to submit a guest article for publication. The following article, printed several years ago, is available for you to discover the intent and who I am.…


  • Cronyism is a form of corruption

    GUEST EDITORIAL  By definition, CRONYISM is a form of corruption where an individual with influence provides preferential treatment, appointments, or advantages to friends, associates, or loyal supporters, regardless of their qualifications or merit. It is often motivated by political gain. This practice can undermine fairness, efficiency, and integrity within organizations, often undermining ethical guidelines.”       Ozark’s…


  • Truth now: Establishment vs. Whistleblowers

    CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — Two groups exist in local politics. The Establishment is the standard higher class, powerful people with influence and good connections. Whistleblowers watch the establishment and cry “foul” when tax dollars are misused, rights are infringed, or the public is misled. Whistleblowers are often outsiders, not part of civic clubs or Chambers…


  • Shhhh… Ozark school board candidate they don’t want you to see

    OZARK, MO — Shhh. Hush, now! He’s supposed to be invisible. The guy running for Ozark R-6 School Board against the two women the establishment wants. It’s tough being the “odd man out” in a social clique sanctioned by the Missouri School Board Association and National Education Association. When big tax union cronies don’t like…


  • Truth now: My parents’ dog has a dangerous habit

    OLDFIELD, MO — A dog (along with a band of cats) lives in my parents’ rural house down a rural county dead-end road just past mine. Thor is named after the “god of thunder”, but Thor is, well, scared of thunder. He’s almost scared of me, though we are well acquainted. Thor lowers his head…


  • Why my gift of encouragement now means more than ever

    OLDFIELD, MO — If you know anything about spiritual gifts, they are listed in the Bible. Romans chapter 12 verse 8 lists the gift of “encouragement.” As a Christ follower, I am called to a life mission of encouraging others. All believers have various gifts, but I know mine is the gift of encouragement. An…


  • Why Ozark Mo Community Chitchat is now important

    OZARK, MO— The Ozark community is blessed to have the Ozark Mo Community Chitchat Facebook page! With more than 30,000 members, the page is a terrific source of information, gossip, road conditions, etc. People tied to the Ozark community have a thriving source of input here. Check it out, if you haven’t already! Sometimes, as…


  • Review: Possibly the worst movie in recent years…

    You were warned in the headline. This article is not political, or a commentary on current events. It’s nothing more than entertainment. If you don’t like salty, snarky, jaded movie reviews, move on. For the rest of you weirdos, here goes: I can’t believe I recommended this movie to my wife! I watched a good…


  • Truth now: Ozark School Board Paranoia? Part 2

    GUEST COLUMN Click here for part 1 of this article. How this plays out in the Ozark R-VI School Board When a paranoid school board wanted to censure one of its members for daring to talk to the public a year or so ago, the attorney drafted a letter of reprimand for all of the…


  • Having the law in your pocket Part 1

    GUEST EDITORIAL Have you ever considered what it would be like to have your own personal genie . . . especially if he wasn’t limited to just three wishes?  This is not just a fantasy for young children.  Grown adults can have a real-life version of this.  Or at least certain adults in key positions…


  • Truth now: Who will be the next mayor of Ozark?

    OZARK, MO — Three men ran for Ozark mayor two years ago. Those same three are running again. Who are they, and who will be the next mayor of Ozark? Click here for more. Current Mayor Don Currence Don Currence won the mayorship two years ago. Now, he’s running for re-election. “Look at what I’ve…


  • Truth now: All I want for Christmas is…

    OLDFIELD, MO — All I want for Christmas is for my son to interact with me. I’m a dad of four boys, ages 26, 24, 21 and 15. They are all remarkable, fiercely independent, competent and talented. Not one like the other. I’m so blessed to be their dad. It’s my highest calling in life.…


  • Shocking truth now: Ozark school board sidesteps voters?

    OZARK, MO — The Ozark R-6 School Board is dodging voters, hiding under the skirts of School Attorney Celynda L. Brasher, a big school muckety muck from a big snooty wooty lawfirm in St. Louie. Click here for more. Word is that Ms. Brasher is cool with the school sidestepping voters in the upcoming April…


  • Truth now: Ozark School Board fears sex policy

    OZARK, MO — The Ozark R-VI Board of Education meets tomorrow (Thursday, December 19, 2024) and one board member hopes they talk about sex. Christina Tonsing brought it up in August, and they still haven’t wanted to talk about the idea of defining sex and gender as it relates to Title IX. Urgent reason why…


  • How to resolve America’s health care crisis now!

    Health care is in a crisis. Here is how we the people can respond.


  • TRUTH NOW: Update on did a man punch a woman at the Olympics?

    PARIS, FRANCE — Did a grown man pretending to be a woman punch a woman in the face at the 2024 Olympics? Yes. Originally, the report was it was a DSD (Differences of Sex Development) person, assigned to female at birth. DSD stands for Differences of Sex Development. It’s a medical term for conditions where…


  • The truth: 10 ways to improve your relationships now

    Here are 10 ways to improve your relationships now. Trust me, I’m an expert at poor relationship building. I’ve got numerous relatives and friends who won’t talk to me anymore. You read that right. Because I blew so many relationships, I can tell you how to NOT do that. So, listen up, this is how…


  • Truth now: My connection to James River Church founders

    John Lindell didn’t start James River Church. Tim Carpenter did. I attended James River Assembly (now James River Church) in 1998 when Tim Carpenter went missing. Tim was a co-founder of James River Assembly and John Lindell was in his youth group at Oak Grove Assembly in the 1980s. Here is a link to part…


  • Truth Now Told: I was banned from James River Church!

    CHAPTER ONE OZARK, MO — The following is a true story of how I was banned from James River Church. This is not a story I wish to tell, but recent, growing controversy surrounding a men’s conference last weekend surfaced and I decided now was the time to share my story. Click here for a…


  • Ozark Mayor April 8 election predictions as of now

    OZARK, MO — April 8 is municipal election day. Most voters don’t care enough to vote in those (mayor, alderman, school board races). It’s those local elections, however, that matter most, because they directly affect our community’s leadership locally. In Ozark, the incumbent Mayor Don Currence is facing the same two board of aldermen challengers…


  • New Idea: Offer free athletic options for Ozark now

    OZARK, MO — James Russell of Ozark has a vision for his hometown. Free athletic options for the public. “Why pay for memberships when you could offer free access?” Russell says of his idea to bring free basketball, volleyball, pickleball and other athletic options to Ozark. Russell, a former coach of professional and youth athletes…


  • Truth now: How a good man can do harm

    GUEST EDITOTRIAL (SUMMARIZED FROM ORIGINAL) Mark Jenkins joined the school board three years ago, determined to improve the behavior of a board clearly out of control. He now presides over a board that remains woefully off-course. Jenkins presumes his noble intentions insulate him from error. They don’t. Click here for background when Jenkins was a…


  • Truth now: Ozark Mayor candidate campaign manager stirs it up!

    OZARK, MO — Things can get heated up at local hot spots. On Saturday, February 1, 2025, the aroma of coffee, bacon, eggs and pancakes fills the air. Conversations burst forth at certain tables. Others quietly await breakfast at Sands Cafe. A tall, gray-stubbly faced man with deep set eyes, in cowboy boots and hat,…


  • Truth now: The answer is in the question …

    GUEST EDITORIAL Following Matt Growcock’s appointment to the Ozark R-6 School Board, Christian County Trumpet Publisher Johnny Rooster confronted him on camera and asked, “Did Mark Jenkins ask you personally to be on the board, to apply?”  Mr. Growcock responded “No.”  (FYI, Mark Jenkins and Matt Growcock are close buddies.)  It is hardly plausible that…


  • Truth now: Why Mark Jenkins is such a good friend

    OZARK, MO— Remember the song, “That’s What Friends Are For?” By Dionne Warwick? Here is a link to that song. Bing Videos Ozark R-VI Board of Education President Mark Jenkins is a prime example of a good friend. He’s what friends are for. If you don’t believe me, ask his friend, Matt Growcock. Growcock (who…


  • BREAKING: Ozark R-6 to fill a controversial replacement now!

    OZARK, MO — BREAKING NEWS: This afternoon at 4 p.m., Monday, January 27, 2025, the Ozark R-6 school board will decide who they want to fill a vacancy created when Guy Callaway moved out of the district. Applicants list includes: Mark Burton Bubs Hohulin Patrick Sullivan Brian Rohlman Laura Head Elliot *Rae Ann Wade Jeremiah…