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Blog Posts

It’s not what you know. It’s what you learn.

  • (Truth now) Ozark mayor race: Puppet, Bully, or Country?

    OZARK, MO — Three men are running for Ozark mayor. They’ve done it before, same threesome. One is a puppet, one is a bully, and one is country. Which of those three words best describes a good mayor for Ozark? Option 1: Go with the current mayor, seeking re-election. Don Currence. He’s the puppet mayor…


  • Truth now: Ozark School Board does something right!

    OZARK, MO — People say the Christian County Trumpet dogs on the Ozark R-6 Board of Education too much. Like, don’t they do good things, too? We at the world headquarters of the premier news and entertainment source for Christian County, Missouri are delighted to share the truth… and the truth is, YES!!! The Ozark…


  • Truth now: All I want for Christmas is…

    OLDFIELD, MO — All I want for Christmas is for my son to interact with me. I’m a dad of four boys, ages 26, 24, 21 and 15. They are all remarkable, fiercely independent, competent and talented. Not one like the other. I’m so blessed to be their dad. It’s my highest calling in life.…


  • Shocking truth now: Ozark school board sidesteps voters?

    OZARK, MO — The Ozark R-6 School Board is dodging voters, hiding under the skirts of School Attorney Celynda L. Brasher, a big school muckety muck from a big snooty wooty lawfirm in St. Louie. Click here for more. Word is that Ms. Brasher is cool with the school sidestepping voters in the upcoming April…


  • Truth now: Ozark School Board fears sex policy

    OZARK, MO — The Ozark R-VI Board of Education meets tomorrow (Thursday, December 19, 2024) and one board member hopes they talk about sex. Christina Tonsing brought it up in August, and they still haven’t wanted to talk about the idea of defining sex and gender as it relates to Title IX. Urgent reason why…


  • Truth now: Why boys can’t ever become girls

    GUEST COLUMN Sorting out Sex and GenderThis article is an effort to help see more clearly through the confusion. More recent trend is to make gender personal A more recent trend in gender ideology is to define it as a personal outlook.The value of this approach is that it seems to make gender subject to…


  • State Rep now back on his feet in time for session

    CLEVER, MO — Burt Whaley, newly elected State Representative in the 138th District, is back on his feet in time for the upcoming legislative session in January. Whaley, now 61, suffered two torn Achillies tendons September 10 while attempting a gymnastic maneuver. Doctors said he would be laid up in a wheelchair for six weeks…


  • How to resolve America’s health care crisis now!

    Health care is in a crisis. Here is how we the people can respond.


  • Truth now: Is Ozark trying to get its fingers in your pie?

    WARNING: The City of Ozark, Missouri, is trying to collect new inspection fees for rental properties. Yes, you read that right! Make no mistake, the city is wanting new money… just because. They threw in a bunch of new fees with the annual budget proposal at the Ozark Board of Aldermen meeting Monday, November 18…


  • Truth now: My centrist vs. leftie friends’ reactions to Trump

    I have friends from all walks of life. They know I’m a right wing Trumper. It’s interesting how my middle-of-the-road and left-leaning friends are reacting to the Trump victory and his calls for action making recent headlines. First of all, they come to me. They bring up the Trump topic. I don’t. I’m not one…


  • Truth now: Are Some blue states actually red?

    It’s true. Some blue states wear red undergarments. The blue is just a formality smock over the red jump suit. Democrats like to dress some red states up in a blue uniform to look like the blue team is stronger than it is. How do I know? Voter ID requirements. Blue states that don’t require…


  • Truth now: Why it doesn’t matter who wins 2024 election

    Donald Trump. Kamala Harris. Different approaches. Contrasting outcomes. Will we turn red or blue Nov. 5? It doesn’t matter. Why? Half the population will be upset; half will feel vindicated and triumphant, no matter what. Afterwards, we’ll get back to business as usual, being helpful and friendly, or rude and nasty, or any combination thereof,…


  • Public schools are now a big, fat fail!

    Nobody wants to go to public school. It’s a feeling of dread for students. They cringe at the site of the big, cheddar rectangle on wheels. The smell of the building upon entry. The slamming of lockers. The rows of desks. The sight of smart boards and chrome books. Eww. Teachers, in particular, don’t wanna…


  • TRUTH NOW: Update on did a man punch a woman at the Olympics?

    PARIS, FRANCE — Did a grown man pretending to be a woman punch a woman in the face at the 2024 Olympics? Yes. Originally, the report was it was a DSD (Differences of Sex Development) person, assigned to female at birth. DSD stands for Differences of Sex Development. It’s a medical term for conditions where…


  • The truth: 10 ways to improve your relationships now

    Here are 10 ways to improve your relationships now. Trust me, I’m an expert at poor relationship building. I’ve got numerous relatives and friends who won’t talk to me anymore. You read that right. Because I blew so many relationships, I can tell you how to NOT do that. So, listen up, this is how…


  • Truth now: My connection to James River Church founders

    John Lindell didn’t start James River Church. Tim Carpenter did. I attended James River Assembly (now James River Church) in 1998 when Tim Carpenter went missing. Tim was a co-founder of James River Assembly and John Lindell was in his youth group at Oak Grove Assembly in the 1980s. Here is a link to part…


  • Truth Now Told: I was banned from James River Church!

    CHAPTER ONE OZARK, MO — The following is a true story of how I was banned from James River Church. This is not a story I wish to tell, but recent, growing controversy surrounding a men’s conference last weekend surfaced and I decided now was the time to share my story. Click here for a…


  • Women motorcyclists are so prominent now

    SPRINGFIELD, MO — I’m doing deliveries, minding my own business. A black, tinted full-face helmet and ripped tight jeans on a motorcycle at the intersection of cross traffic catches my attention. Wait, is that a… female biker? Yes! Later that same day, another woman, on a “crotch rocket” huddled over and determined to beat traffic,…


  • Election 2024 truth: It’s down to one state now

    The 2024 Presidential race is down to one state. Uno. Yes, the other 49 make a difference leading up to it, but this one state’s coin toss is going to decide it. Problem is, every pollster and pundit blow this way and that on the outcome, changing with each new happening along the campaign trail.…


  • Truth: Cure for Branson’s dying entertainment scene

    Branson event planners and organizers are in robot mode (read this next part in your robot reading voice: Pandemic. Can’t recover. Covid. Covid. Pandemic. Pandemic. Blah. Blah. Blah. Aren’t you glad for real publications like your Christian County Trumpet to blast the real reason why entertainment in Branson is tanking? Thought so! Why Branson entertainment…


  • Now what if Amendment 3 passes?

    Hello, fellow Missouri pro life advocates. Nov. 5 is more than a presidential race. In Missouri, it’s a race for women’s, children’s, and parental rights. Click here for another article about it. We all realize Amendment 3 will force the public to pay for abortions up to birth, protect anyone performing an abortion if harm…


  • So now I called Joe Biden on the phone

    I’ll admit, I didn’t think the White House operator would put me through to the president. Not because he’d be off doing presidential things; I figured he wasn’t in. Perhaps at a local ice cream parlor. Napping in the West Wing. On a Delaware beach. Picking out sunglasses. You know, important stuff. “Hello?” his voice…


  • Library board erupts in a new conflict

    The crowd is on its feet, chanting, pressing against the stage. Beefy, close cropped security guards are on full alert. The announcer blasts, “Are you ready to rock? Get ready for The Ally Echoes!” (He says it like this: Allllyyyy Echooooooooooes!!!) A tsunami of cheers resembles a hurricane force roar, as the Ally Echoes take…


  • Nixa Schools remain polling places despite new controversy

    NIXA, MO — State law requires Missouri schools to serve as public polling places for voters to vote on election day. But if Nixa School Board members Heather Zoromski and Mike Copeland had their way, the schools wouldn’t be involved at all. Why? They don’t like political signs planted in the school yard on election…