Truth now: Meet the ‘Jimmy Carter’ of Ozark, Missouri!

OZARK, MO — Former President Jimmy Carter is a super nice guy. He’s a polite, peaceful, passive personality. A Christian, Sunday school teacher type who thinks before he speaks. Nobody hears him raise his voice in anger. What a sweet man!

What a weak leader.

Carter was better at volunteering for “Habitat for Humanity” than negotiating with Iran.

Our enemies mocked his indecisive meekness by refusing to release U.S. hostages in Iran until the moment Ronald Reagan took office. Click here for more.

(Sounds like Biden vs. Trump!)

Ozark has a Jimmy Carter Mayor

Just like the U.S. suffered under Carter, and now suffers under Biden, so the City of Ozark suffers under the weak, meek, bleak lack of a leader Mayor Don Currence.

Don’s Downfall

Mayor Don is a super nice guy. He’s tenderhearted. He cries in public more than Toby McGuire cried in Spiderman.

Boo hoo.

Mayor Don has a downfall. He can’t make a decision. He’s a puppet.

Ever since he got elected (and the ONLY reason he got elected is because Eddie Campbell and David Snider split off the vote) Mayor Don has been GREAT at not making decisions.

Ask him a question, and he’ll look both ways, to see who can answer for him. He’s a putz. He’d be the guy in line for 20 minutes at a fast-food joint, staring at the wall menu as if it were a foreign object. “Do I want the fries? Or the onion rings?”

He needs to select a permanent Park and Rec Director. Hayden Ponsar doesn’t need to wonder if he’ll be in or out. He doesn’t need to be interim Director month after month.

Pull the trigger. Appoint a permanent position, Don!

What do you have against Hayden? Just give the guy a position! Or not. Get another one. Do something permanent! You’re. The. Mayor!

For another article about Mayor Don, click here.

Examples of indecision

  1. No permanent Park and Rec Director.
  2. Taking too long to select a permanent city administrator.
  3. No immediate replacement for RJ Flores on the Board of Alderman.

Alderman Flores vacancy not filled!

“He knew RJ was moving out of his ward for over 3 weeks before it happened, ” a source close to the city told the CCT. “He could have had another aldermen lined up instead of leaving constituents without representation. That’s not leadership.”

As it is, El Weako Mayoro Dono leaves an unnecessary gap in the first ward. “It’s not right to leave citizens with partial representation,” the source continued.

Good choice, bad choice, night and day

Mayor Don has two choices for RJ Flores’ replacement to the board of aldermen: Ronnie White or Elise Crain. If Mayor Don likes conservative values, a strong leader, and someone far more suited than he is, he’ll choose Ronnie White. If, however, he wants to continue being weak and going with friends instead of thinking of his constituents, he’ll choose Elise Crain.

Time will tell.

Because time ticks by, day after day, with no decisions. Being. Made.


Mayor Don has had this happen recently, when he needed to fill a Ward 3 position, and instead of Shane Vaughn, a great decision maker, he put in Jim Metcalf, another Baptist buddy with no real oomph.

Mayor Don, you gotta get people on the board like Eddie Campbell and David Snider who make decisions. Not like Jim Metcalf, ho hum. Boo!

Administrator decision

Steve Childers left the city administrator post for a position in Springfield. The Deputy City Administrator Samantha Payne left in a huff, because the city ordinance didn’t allow for a deputy city administrator (Childers came up with that one on his own!) What does Mayor Don do? Stall. Hemhaw. Hesitate.

The Board of Aldermen finally interviewed three candidates; two of the three will likely be similar. Second round will take place soon, which should weed out the other two. Please, Don, move the ball forward! The city of Ozark can’t wait forever without decision makers. You obviously aren’t going to!

Johnny Rooster has a fan club of people who like strong ideas. Then, another issue comes up, and those fans leave because they, too, got offended. If you are still reading this, congrats

For yet another article about Mayor Don, click here.

36020cookie-checkTruth now: Meet the ‘Jimmy Carter’ of Ozark, Missouri!