Tag: Jamie Ray Gragg
Truth now: Ozark School Board controversy explodes!
OZARK, MO — The Ozark R-6 Board of Education is once again embroiled in controversy as a dispute over a vacated board seat explodes! Here’s the story… The room grew tense as State Representative Jamie Gragg (R-Ozark) urged the Ozark R-6 School Board to allow voters their rightful option to vote on three open positions… Read more
Truth now: My odd GOP experience
SPRINGFIELD, MO — As a conservative Republican, I was taken aback by an odd experience with GOP zealots last Friday. A Facebook friend posted a video of a meeting of conservatives in progress at a local establishment. Intrigued, I decided to drive over to the Springfield restaurant to check it out. A group of familiar… Read more
Why senior tax freeze is even necessary now
CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — Senate Bill 190 was passed on to Missouri counties to implement as they see fit. It’s intended to give senior citizens a tax freeze on the home they live in. Here’s why the senior tax freeze is even necessary now. Click here for more. First of all, a tax freeze doesn’t… Read more
Missouri State Legislation for Dummies
State Representatives are elected to 2 year terms, and may serve a total of 8 years. State Senators serve 4 year terms and may serve a total of 8 years. Representative districts are smaller than state senate districts. Representatives may introduce legislation for consideration into law, called bills. Bills are reviewed in committees, where groups… Read more
Street character now to be 140th District State Representative
OZARK, MO— Jamie Ray Gragg was a street performer at an amusement park, but he’ll be elected State Representative on Tuesday, November 8. We ain’t gonna call names here, but you’d be a dufus to think that Jamie Ray Gragg won’t win the November General election for the 140th State Representative District. Oops, we called… Read more