Category: Education
How do Good Men Turn Evil?
GUEST COLUMN Becoming Evil How do good men turn evil? Or how do they become comfortable committing evil acts? Don’t they recognize those acts are evil? Don’t they recognize that they become what they do? Countless historical anecdotes, including those documented in such books as James Waller’s “Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and… Read more
The Most Powerful Man in Town
Guest Editorial (not written by the CCT and not connected to the CCT)Who is the most powerful person in your community? The mayor? The police chief? The CEO of a major corporation? Here are several possibilities:a) The guy who runs the corporation with the largest budgetb) The guy who runs the corporation with the most… Read more
Ozark Diploma Mills Now Exposed!
Guest Editorial (not written by CCT) You’ve heard of “diploma mills,” right? Those educational institutions that are more determined to ensure you get a diploma than that you get an education. Sadly, it appears that this phenomenon is no longer isolated to an occasional school here or there. Since school quality ratings are a function,… Read more
Now what could go right?
Ozark School Board, from left, Aaron Johns, Christina Tonsing, Patty Quessenberry, Sarah Adams-Orr, Amber Bryant, Mark Jenkins, Guy Callaway. (photo courtesy of Guest column by Dave Cort, Ozark School Support Team Well, the new school board, elected on a platform of change, is off to a great start. As a first order of business,… Read more
Jaw dropping news leaked now from Ozark School District!
OZARK, MO — Last night, April 12, was the first meeting with 3 new Ozark School Board members. And boy, it was a doozy! Dr. B steps down suddenly The action started even before the newbies were sworn in. Dr. Chris Bauman, superintendent, announced his retirement effective June 30 officially, but in practicality, that means… Read more
Ozark kids’ future is now at stake!
OZARK, MO — April voter turnout for school board elections is miserable. Hardly anybody votes! That’s not the fault of the school district. It’s the fault of the public. Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 4, 2023 is election day. Big deal, right? Yes, it is. A very big deal. Innocence Lost The children of Ozark have slowly… Read more
This guy is the real deal!
OZARK, MO — Anthony Petrosino is the real deal. He doesn’t mess around with political jargon. He says what’s in his heart. “I like that Tony guy,” a friend of mine told me after listening to Anthony speak at a citizens group in Ozark recently. “He didn’t come in all scripted and makes me feel… Read more
Ozark school board candidate now duking it out with a state representative!
OZARK, MO — Ozark R-6 School Board candidate Joey L. Mills, the most liberalest and most wokest of all the candidates, got into a public exchange with 140th District State Representative Jamie Gragg on Facebook recently under a video posted by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Chris Bauman where Bauman took issue with Gragg’s support of… Read more
Ozark school board candidate now publicly lying about fellow candidates!
OZARK, MO — Ozark school board candidate Joey L. Mills is now publicly lying about two fellow candidates. The following is taken from his Facebook page: Elect Joey Mills for Ozark School Board Of the six school board candidates, Ralph, Amber, Guy, and I have been actively supporting, volunteering, advocating, and working for the school… Read more
Truth behind
Read the story of the couple in Ozark at Sands Cafe at the end of this article! OZARK, MO — Maybe you saw a scrolling digital billboard on U.S. Highway 65 recently. The sign that cautions viewers about the tyranny in Ozark schools. The truth behind is here! So now, you are reading this… Read more
Here’s your chance to make a difference now
OZARK, MO — Do you know a kid? Think about the kids you know. Think about the world they’re growing up in. My 13-year-old son is in 7th grade. He said to me recently, “I already know the kids who are going to use drugs. They’ve already told me they’re planning to do it.” He… Read more
Nelson won’t say why he isn’t seeking re-election now
OZARK, MO — Shane Nelson won’t say why he isn’t seeking re-election to the Ozark Board of Education. At least he replied to the CCT email requests for such! So, there’s that. FICTION VERSION OF THE CONVERSATION: CCT: Why ain’t ya runnin’ again, Mr. Shane? SN: Nonya. CCT: Thanks fer them insightful words, Mister Shane!… Read more
Who is running for Ozark School Board now?
OZARK, MO — Who is running for Ozark school board? The election is in April. First off, none of the incumbents. That should tell you everything you need to know about the existing school board. It’s a scary place where the “good ole boys” used to hang out. But not no more! Them days is… Read more
Cry foul: Ozark school teacher pay is now withheld!
OZARK, MO — A former Ozark instructor’s final teacher pay is being withheld. Major Danny Cazier, nationally acclaimed JROTC instructor, was booted from his duties last year without a hearing. He was lied about and denied his final pay by Ozark R-VI School administrators, who wanted to strip him of his rank and put him… Read more
Why no incumbents want to run for Ozark school board now
OZARK, MO — None of the three Ozark school board incumbents wants to run for re-election. Nadda. Zip. Tom Bass, Shane Nelson, and Jeff Laney are up for re-election this April. But none of them will be. ‘Cause none of ’em filed to run again. Do they know something we don’t? Theory #1 The 3… Read more
How the Grinch stole the substitute teacher
The Grinchy Superintendent denies a qualified substitute teacher in the wake of a teacher shortage! Read more
Abused Ozark R-VI teachers speak out tomorrow
Re: Patterns of Misconduct in the Ozark School District, Tuesday, 11/29 Inbox Christina Tonsing Sun, Nov 27, 10:23 PM (11 hours ago) to OzarkMO We hope to see you this Tuesday when we will hear respected long-time teachers Major Danny Cazier, Mr. Tom Swift, and Mrs. Shelly Pettit reveal the traumatic pattern of harassment, retaliation, and… Read more
School bus driver paves way to be a peacemaker
OZARK, MO — An Ozark R-VI school bus driver has paved the way to be a peacemaker on her school bus. In a chaotic world of unruly students, it’s refreshing to see a capable young woman doing her part to ensure a peaceful ride to and from school. “A peaceful ride is a safe ride,”… Read more
Facebook heckler is called out by name in Major Danny’s latest rebuttal!
Mr. Murphy does not warrant further audience. After all, that a donkey continues to bray does not mean he has something worth listening to. Read more
Facebook heckler draws fire after efforts to burn Major Danny
The Christian County Trumpet set up a phone call between Major Danny Cazier and a public, though unknown to Major Danny, Facebook heckler, regarding his case against the Ozark R-VI School District. The CCT received this letter September 27, 2022 after Major Danny spoke with the heckler. (The CCT has edited the original letter for… Read more