Category: Education
Truth now: Ozark School Board fears sex policy
OZARK, MO — The Ozark R-VI Board of Education meets tomorrow (Thursday, December 19, 2024) and one board member hopes they talk about sex. Christina Tonsing brought it up in August, and they still haven’t wanted to talk about the idea of defining sex and gender as it relates to Title IX. Urgent reason why… Read more
Public schools are now a big, fat fail!
Nobody wants to go to public school. It’s a feeling of dread for students. They cringe at the site of the big, cheddar rectangle on wheels. The smell of the building upon entry. The slamming of lockers. The rows of desks. The sight of smart boards and chrome books. Eww. Teachers, in particular, don’t wanna… Read more
Nixa Schools remain polling places despite new controversy
NIXA, MO — State law requires Missouri schools to serve as public polling places for voters to vote on election day. But if Nixa School Board members Heather Zoromski and Mike Copeland had their way, the schools wouldn’t be involved at all. Why? They don’t like political signs planted in the school yard on election… Read more
New learning method exposes truth about failing education system
SPRINGFIELD, MO — True story. I met this kid and his mom at pickleball at Schweitzer Church recently. He goes by the name “Bear”, and he attends “WOLF” school. Whaaa? Ok, I’ll bite. Is this a children’s fairytale story? Why haven’t I heard of this? Turns out it’s true. Bass Pro’s Wonders of Wildlife (WOW!!!)… Read more
Evangel University staffer questions CCT’s motives now
I got a call from an Evangel University staff member yesterday after my article came out about a former teacher there quitting. Read the article by clicking here. I had no idea who she was, but Grant Olson, an outspoken advocate of accountability at James River Church, contacted me bright and early Tuesday morning to… Read more
Truth now: Why Evangel University teacher quit!
SPRINGFIELD, MO — An Evangel University teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the CCT why he quit after years of teaching there. “Since Covid, we have lost our self-control in this culture,” he said. “People go to class when they feel like it. They work when they feel like it. It’s all based on… Read more
Truth: Why Representative Gragg is now Notorious
OZARK, MO —Jamie Ray Gragg is now notorious. He’s gotten death threats from around the world. Not sure if he needs bodyguards yet, or maybe some sinister looking K9s baring fangs. I’d recommend the big, bald black guy and the big, bald white guy, flanking him, in black jackets and ties, sunglasses, maybe chewing gum,… Read more
School bus incident now like a scene from Dirty Harry
SPRINGFIELD, MO — Like a terrifying scene from the 1971 movie “Dirty Harry” (pictured above) this week, a sex offender who failed to register forced his way onto a school bus of Pershing Elementary and Middle School students. Kids escaped out the back door for their safety as neighbors watched. The offender, William Moore, 25,… Read more
Election Day was now yesterday?
CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — Yesterday, Tuesday, was April 2. It was cool, cloudy, and a bit rainy at times. Not a friendly day. Oh, and it was election day. Oops. Most voters didn’t vote on election day. They forgot, or didn’t remember, which is somewhat similar. Ozark School Bored (I mean, Board!) Those who voted,… Read more
Ozark School Board member explains her position as the “odd man out”
OZARK, MO — Christina Tonsing, one of the seven Ozark School Board members got a scolding by the other six. They pulled her aside after a meeting and said she wasn’t, well, playing nicely in their playground. For a back story, click here. Her response, sent to each board member recently: Dear fellow board members,I… Read more
Ozark School Board now run like a gang?
OZARK, MO — Is it possible the Ozark R-6 Board of Education is operating like a street gang? Now, don’t get the idea that the board members are wearing gang colors and bandanas on their heads. They aren’t decked in matching jackets or neck tats (least, not that I can tell!) From the way the… Read more
“Doodoo” Process in the Ozark School District!
PATRON brings up proposal (CCT Photo) SCHOOL BOARD member shuts down proposal (CCT Photo) Doodoo Process in the Ozark School District, a screenplay (BASED ON A TRUE STORY) OPENING CAMERA ANGLE SHOWS The Exterior of the Ozark R-VI School District World Headquarters. Cut to interior shot of a long, narrow table, much longer than usual… Read more
Peek Behind the Curtain: Ozark School’s New Superintendent
OZARK, MO — The Ozark School District has a “new” superintendent. Erm, she’s actually been right there for quite a while. Click here to read the other media stuff they all want you to read. Check this song out for further reference. “The Who” sang “here comes the new boss…just like the old boss.” The… Read more
Why senior tax freeze is even necessary now
CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — Senate Bill 190 was passed on to Missouri counties to implement as they see fit. It’s intended to give senior citizens a tax freeze on the home they live in. Here’s why the senior tax freeze is even necessary now. Click here for more. First of all, a tax freeze doesn’t… Read more
OSST wants Ozark R-VI to leave MSBA now, become independent
David Cort addresses the audience Thursday at the Ozark Library. OZARK, MO— Ozark Schools Support Team (OSST), an independent concerned citizens group, wants Ozark R-VI to leave MSBA so citizens can have greater input in the district. Speaking to more than 20 citizens gathered Thursday evening at the Ozark Library were David Cort, Wade Wheeler,… Read more
We’re Sorry You Thought We Messed Up!
Guest Column You know how you are sometimes compelled to apologize when you don’t mean it? So you just say something like “I’m sorry your feelings were hurt” or “I’m sorry you took it that way.” This is the art of the non-apology. You lead off with something like “I’m sorry” in order to appease your audience. Then you… Read more
Ozark School Board censures one of their own!
GUEST COLUMN The Ozark School Board just issued a public censure to one of their own. Wow! For an organization that swears they must always march in lockstep, never displaying the slightest hint of anything less than complete solidarity, this was a startling move. What terrible misconduct could have justified this? The current board president’s… Read more
Ozark School Board shames one of their own!
Ozark School Board member Christina Tonsing gets reprimanded for reaching out to the public for input. Read more
Voting records of the Supreme Court vs. Ozark School Board
The US Supreme Court votes unanimously 60 percent of the time. But Ozark votes unanimously much more. Read more