Wise words from OMSDA shared

Ozark, MO School District Awareness

Current Ozark School board member Jeff Laney has inadvertently — but succinctly — stated our case for us.

In a public discussion, he referenced a Biblical truth from Proverbs 18:17, “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”

This is EXACTLY what the parents and teachers and district employees have been literally begging the district’s Board of Education to realize. They’ve been told only one side of a story, a very slanted side, in each of the many different cases that have been brought to the Board. (So many, in fact, that the Christian County Trumpet seems unable to even keep up with all the contacts.)

The School Board needs to STOP denying teacher and employee requests to come defend themselves against the false charges brought by the administration. They need to STOP plugging their ears to the desperate appeals of abused employees. School board members repeatedly echo the same mantra, “We can’t hear anything because we have to stay neutral in case there’s a hearing.”

BUT THEN THEY REFUSE TO HOLD A HEARING where they would actually get to hear both sides of the case. They refuse to even listen the teacher’s side of a story, instead choosing to blindly believe whatever the administration tells them was uncovered in a sham investigation. They are fed one perspective — many say it’s a deliberately false one — from the “first who states his case,” and they foolishly refuse to hear “the other who comes to investigate him.”

May be an image of text that says 'The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him. Proverbs 18:17'


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