Why political messaging fails

If I could wave a magic wand and improve the messaging by both political parties, I would:

Restore polite politics. Rather than bash your opponent, try informed observations. Like Ronald Reagan when he used wit and charm to sidestep the question of his age as the then oldest president. (He was 73 and running for re-election in 1984. Watch it here: Bing Videos

Ronald Reagan

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.” Teddy Roosevelt knew how. Reagan knew how. The art of disarming your opponent with humor and charisma. Charm your way. It’s not supposed to be a cage fight.

Theodore Roosevelt

Today’s political scene resembles a gangster drive by shooting with soundbites and lies spraying social media headlines like bullets from a 9 mm handgun. Watch here:

drive by gang shooting video – Search (bing.com)

News media needs to be unbiased again. Mainstream news sources need to maintain neutrality and objectivity. Show both sides. Don’t let us know who you’re supporting or opposing. Keep us informed and let us use critical thinking to make our own decisions as voters. Don’t feed us your propaganda.

Back up your facts. Use receipts to show what you are referring to if making a factual point. Don’t just go with hearsay. Research and share accurate, firsthand recordings or documentation. Don’t make up numbers or statistics. Forty-seven percent of all statistics are made up. Or is it 78? (I’m just making those figures up!)

State your record and policies. Don’t just bash your opponent. The American people deserve better than just making noise about how bad your opponent is. Tell us what your policies are; in the case of Donald Trump, we have his experience as a former president to back him up. In the case of Kamala Harris, she and Joe Biden have the current administration as their record. They are clearly two different administrations.

Message to the voters

Amber Rose

Don’t just use your friends or family comments or opinions. Do your own research. A model/rapper did that, and she came up with her own ideas. She now supports a candidate she used to oppose based on other people’s comments.

Watch more here:

Model Amber Rose defends Trump against racist criticism at Republican Convention (nbcnews.com)

Message to candidates/officeholders

If you have run or currently hold a political office, and want to share your comments and ideas, please use the Christian County Trumpet as your voice to reach voters and taxpayers in Christian County, Missouri. Here is an article about that: https://christiancountytrumpet.com/cct-is-now-reaching-out-to-elected-officials/

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