Why I couldn’t now vote for candidates I like!

OZARK, MO — It’s crazy, I know. You’re supposed to vote for the candidates you like most, right? But, if I lived in the Ozark School District, I couldn’t vote for candidates I like most.

Seems backwards, eh?

It is.

First off, when it comes to a vote for candidates, nobody cares

The Ozark School Board election is less than a month away.


Most people don’t care. School board? It’s not like it’s a Governor or President or anything important, right? A lot of people don’t have school age kids, so why bother voting?

STAT FACT: A whopping 6% of real voters vote in school board elections. The ones who vote NO on a school bond issue and try to keep their tax dollars are voted out by loyal school employees who are coached to vote YES for all the new tax dollars.

In Ozark, the school has around a 1,000 employees. That represents about 6% of the voters, so yeah. It’s them against the public. If the public voted like it should, they could keep their taxes.

But wait. Don’t schools need more money?

Honey, if schools did what they’re supposed to do; teach academics and leave the indoctrination out, then we’d be okie dokie with a few more bucks. But because the schools no longer do that, why fund an indoctrination camp for the Left?

The administrators are a plenty in Ozark. Doctor this, Doctor that. Salaries in the six figures. All over the place. The budget is THREE TIMES BIGGER than the entire Christian County budget!


The school is an indoctrination camp for teachers pressured to vote for tax increases or “lose everything they work so hard for”. That’s why your taxes keep going up when they aren’t serving the kids any better. In fact, the kids are doing worse.

Test scores…down.

Racism against whites and Asians? Up.

Anti-American, anti-family, anti-Judeo-Christian values, way up.

Fat salaries feed the bureucracy

Problem is, schools are run by the government, and the government is a big, fat bureaucracy.

School administrators get paid bigly by the public tax dollars from property owners. They need decent, hard-working, property owning citizens to suck money out of.

People like you.

So, my advice, vote in the school board election April 4. Those three open positions could turn the tide against the current bureaucracy.

The 3 candidates I like most

Three school board candidates have nicer, more pleasant and fun qualities than the other three.

One of them has a cool kidlike name: Joey. He’s bald. He’s bearded. He looks like the cool gamer uncle that lets you stay up past your bedtime. I’d love to hang out with Joey and have a beer with him (if I drank beer!)

Uncle Joey is the cool kid!

He’s also super compassionate and considerate. He set aside his time for another candidate to finish a question on a timed public forum of candidates recently. When time ran out at the end of the Q&A, he insisted that a disgruntled former employee get the last question in.

Joey was at another meeting about corruption in the school system. Two candidates were introduced. Joey was ignored. Did he speak up and say, “Hey, I’m also running for school board?” Nope. He’s sincere. He cares. He’s a super decent human being.

But I’d never vote for Joey.

He’s way too mainstream media, follow the dogma of the current “woke” culture. Too bad; he’s a wonderful fellow. I’d stick to being his friend, but NOT support those values in our schools system. It’s the same indoctrination camp mentality there.

Then there’s Guy. He’s a cool “Guy” lol.

He wears bright colored blue suede shoes to a public forum. (Even Elvis would agree, that’s rad!)

Guy being Guy…He’d be better off being “Wise”… Oh, well! He’s a “chip” off the old block!

He looks cool. He seems like a guy (sorry, couldn’t resist!) that would be a favorite at the country club. He’s the one who picks up the tab at the pub.

But, I can’t go for the dude I’d love to sit across the dining table with. It’s not about shooting the breeze, or the back 9. Guy is too whitewashed into the fabric of the current bureaucracy. He’s one of them. Not one of us.

Oh boy, here’s the biggie: Ralph. Ralph is the granddaddy of politics. He’s been around, and around, and around. I like how he cheers on the school district. He had the PTA moderator eating out of his hand at the public forum. He knows how to play the game.]

Grandpa Ralph, the consummate storyteller!

I’d definitely think Grandpa Ralph would be the best storyteller at the family outing. He’d also swap lies with the guys at the barber shop, or coffee shop, or watering hole. He’s worn a gun and badge; I’m sure he has some humdingers. I could listen to him for hours.

But, he’s a crony sell out. His track record as Presiding Commissioner showed that. When he lost the last election to Lynn Morris, he pouted and packed up. Didn’t even show up at the courthouse for work. Wah. Wah.

The 3 candidates I’d vote for

Anthony is an outsider. His personality is all business. He looks like a dry cup of serious.

But he studies up on the issues. He doesn’t crack jokes or stroke egos. Anthony gets work done. He’s on the job way before daylight. He’s a mover and shaker. He’s listening to everything.

Nobody knows him. Nobody is his drinking buddy. He’s not a PTA fan favorite.

But Anthony will be a watchdog that keeps corruption and bureaucracy at bay.

A bike, a babe, and the right attitude: Anthony, the Constitutional Conservative refugee from California!

Amber. Wow, business suit, formal, savvy. Totally not as crazy and fun as the good ol’ boys, but this girl is smart.

She knows stuff people don’t know. How? Her job is in personnel. She knows people. She understands what makes them tick. You want customer satisfaction in the school system among teachers? Amber is your girl.

Amber Bryant is the ultimate professional…she’ll get ‘er done by the book!

Christina. O my, just saying her name makes her blush. Aww, shucks. Christina is like a church mouse. Quiet and unassuming. She’s proper, and polite, and … feisty. Feisty? Yes. Yes! This church mouse isn’t afraid to squeak up!

I never would have seen through all her wordy, mild mannered monologues. She’s comes across almost as if she has some self esteem issues, but lordy! Christina is probably the MOST caring and articulate candidate to enter the race. She truly wants the school district to be accountable.

Christina isn’t afraid to stand up to the bullies!

When there’s an unpopular opinion, she’s not afraid to hold it. If there’s corruption or abuses of power among administrators, Christina is a bulldog to eradicate it. She started a concerned citizens group and threw in her hat to run for the school board based on how strongly she felt.

She’s a parent in the district. Anyone who wants to shed light on the corruption and good ol boy network currently strangling the district should vote for Christina twice!

You’ve heard my 2 cents worth; now it’s your turn!

Hey Ozark voters, tell me. Are you gonna vote in the school board election? Who are your Pick 3?

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