Why abortion will (likely)win in November

WASHINGTON – JANUARY 23: Plastic fetuses are tagged and piled in front of the Supreme Court during the March for Life to mark the 33rd anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade January 23, 2006 in Washington, D.C. A sign posted with the plastic fetuses reads “Congressmen, The voters of the 11th District symbolically send these babies to you and ask for their protection.” Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators marched from the National Mall to the Supreme Court building after the U.S. President George W. Bush spoke to the marchers via telephone, telling them, reportedly, that the Declaration of Independence protects the weak and the vulnerable, “especially unborn children.” (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

MISSOURI, USA— Voters will turn out in droves in November; not just for the presidential election: Amendment 3, (legalized abortion) is on the ballot. More about that here. Here is why abortion will win in November.

That’s all most voters see and hear. Should a woman be allowed to choose what happens to her body?

And they will simply vote, “yes.” And abortion will be legal in Missouri again. Just. Like. That.

Look at all the other states who voted on it. All went “yes” to abortion.

Background noise

The rest of the details are background noise.

BUTit’s those details that will destroy and harm the attitudes about the sanctity of life and the safety of women and newborns for the rest of time!

Some of the details that will be and are being overlooked: (like the fine print on a warning label, or the legal jargon blah blah blah on a contract that you need to read but don’t.)

Amendment 3 will take away women’s right to a safe abortion. No longer will qualified doctors be the only ones required to perform abortions. It can be ANY health care professional. And there’s more… NO MORE SAFETY regulations Yep. If something goes wrong, the woman and her family can’t sue the “health care professional” for damages. If the mother is harmed or dies from the procedure, too bad. No recourse.

Theoretically, someone could use a coat hanger and do it and legally get away with it, even if the mother dies. I’m sure some would be able to defend themselves and get money, but why even go there? Why have to scape money off a tragic bungled abortion when it shouldn’t be legal in the first place?

What happened to Bill Clinton’s “safe, legal and rare”? Where is the Democratic party of protecting women’s rights?

If Democrats or young women of any persuasion think it’s a woman’s right to choose, then choose safe, legal and rare. Kill the baby safely. At least commit the murder legally, with a qualified abortion doctor. Maintain your right to sue the doctor if the procedure harms or kills the mother.

In other words, VOTE NO on Amendment 3 in November, and resubmit another, less risky to the mother, proposal in the future if you want to abort babies legally.

Proponents of abortion maintain the absurdity of such claims. They say laws relating to abortion will continue to protect the mother. Read here for more about both sides of the issue.

My thoughts

If you ask me, all life is sacred. If someone rapes you or commits incest, that is a tragedy. But if a baby is born from that tragedy, life is still sacred. Adoption is an option. Help is available. Life is precious.

Abortion should not be used as birth control. Don’t go out having unprotected sex and take an “abortion” pill. You erode your view on protecting life. You play God and decide if you want your baby to die.

Choose celibacy until marriage. I did. It’s totally possible. I was a virgin at 27 when I married my wife. We have four wonderful sons. We had a miscarriage in the middle of them. It was hard for my wife to conceive; she had endometriosis. But we did, and God blessed us. Children are a blessing, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born.

Even though my reason for voting NO on Amendment 3 may be different than yours, those of you who want abortion legalized should find a clearer way to protect the mother than Amendment 3.

In addition, I don’t like amending the state constitution. It’s too long in the first place, no matter what the issue.

What are your thoughts voters and tapayers?

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