Who is running for Ozark School Board now?

OZARK, MO — Who is running for Ozark school board? The election is in April.

First off, none of the incumbents. That should tell you everything you need to know about the existing school board. It’s a scary place where the “good ole boys” used to hang out. But not no more! Them days is gone, pardner!

The reason they bailed is pressure is growing from the public as to why administration isn’t allowing elected school board members to do their job and hold administration accountable for it’s handling of budget and personnel concerns.

On the surface, the public sees a big school that is supposedly doing well and drawing people to the community. That’s what it used to be.

But, since a handful of months ago, more and more evidence points to neglect and cover-ups by the administration.

It’s getting so bad, the Ozark R-VI administration is running neck and neck with the FBI on a race to see who’s better at covering up and denying the truth.

The CCT will list the six persons who filed for Ozark School Board for the April 2023 election. Three positions are open, so they each have a 50-50 chance of winning.

Amber Bryant running for Ozark school board

Amber Bryant

Q: Who encouraged you to run for school board and why?

A: My friends and family have always encouraged me to run, but through prayer I felt the time was right.

Q: What (personally) prompted you to run?

A: I chose to run for a simple reason — I’m a mom who wants to make education in Ozark better for my children and the entire community. The Human Resource (HR) leader in me wants Ozark schools to be the most sought after employer.

Now, more than ever, I think our community needs focused leaders that are capable of putting priorities over politics.

Guy Callaway running for Ozark school board

Guy Callaway

Q: Who encouraged you to run for school board and why?

A: This is a deep question on who or what encouraged me to run for school board. 

I go back to my grandpa telling me, “sometimes you just have to do something worth doing.” 

We were not talking about running for school board but life in general. 

I have received so much encouragement for running but I cannot remember anyone that encouraged me prior to me saying I was running or they heard I might be running.

Q: Q: What (personally) prompted you to run?

For me I think it is “what” encouraged me to run more than a “who”.  I have always had a desire to serve as I tried to start Watch Dogs at Ozark East when my boys were there. 

My initial desire to run for school board goes back 5-6 years. 

This was when the school district held long range planning meetings.  I was asked to be part of them and I became fully engaged in the process.  It was interesting the different options and how each person learned toward different projects. 

From there I went on to serve on the Ozark Students First Political Action Committee.  This group was made up of past school board members, current members and community members.  This furthered my desire to one day run for school board. 

I believe I first looked at requirements to run for school board in 2020, but it may have been 2019.  I just reviewed them online but did nothing with it.  In 2021 I looked at when the registration was for Ozark School Board but it was near the end. 

I made my decision in December 2021 that I would most likely be running this year.  I began discussing it with people at that time.  Below is a list of people who have encouraged me through verbal support since people began learning I would run.  I have not asked for permission to share specific names so I won’t.  If we want to look for one thing it has been the opportunity to serve in various capacities has encouraged me the most.  

I have been encouraged by past and present school board members when I asked for feedback and they learned I would be running.  

I was encouraged by another candidate that I am running against when I told them I was running for school board.  

I have been encouraged by coaches and parents that are heavily involved in athletics that it would be great to have someone engaged in athletics.  

I have been encouraged by Ozark School District Employees at all levels when they learned I would be running.  

I have been encouraged by community members and organizations that think I would be a good fit.     

Running for school board was not an accident and not something I am taking lightly.  I have been part of the Bang for the Buck meetings over the past 6 weeks.  They have been eye opening to the budget and number of lives the school district impacts from employees to students. 

I look forward to the opportunity to serve if elected.  I know I will bring an outside the box way of looking at challenges to see them from all perspectives.  This way hopefully we can see all challenges before they impact our teachers, students and community.  

Joey Mills running for Ozark school board

Joey Mills (right)

1. I decided to run for the school board without any input (sought be me or volunteered by another party) from anyone outside my household. I discussed the decision with my wife, who understands the obligations to our family (we have a senior graduating this spring, a junior, and an 8th grader, all involved in the district’s band programs) and the time commitment required of board members.

2. A few things prompted me to run again (I last ran in, I want to say, 2017 — I know it was against the three incumbents who are not seeking re-election, and their terms are 3 years each, so I’m 99% confident that was the year). As an Ozark graduate (class of ’96) and lifelong resident, I feel that the school board has a solid foundation. I know many of the previous board members and administrators. I understand that Ozark has seen tremendous changes over the past few decades. When the district has moved in a positive direction to meet the challenges presented by those changes, I have supported the district with my time and resources. When I feel that the district has made decisions that I don’t agree with, I have stated so publicly. I feel that it is important to build from that solid foundation and to course correct when straying to far from it.

Since my children have been in school, I have volunteered my time with a number of district organizations: Care to Learn, the Ozark Cares Network, PTA Watch DOGS, band boosters, etc. This semester I am substitute teaching in order to help the district meet the need for more substitutes in the classroom, at least through the cold and flu season that should ease up by the April election. I feel that perspective — of being hands-on in the classroom and volunteering in other areas — is a voice that is currently missing from the school board.

I feel like the work of an elected official should be their focus while in office, not seeking another elected office mid-term. I feel like the work that the school board does is important and that taking one’s eye off the ball because you’re distracted by campaigning for another elected position could mean that things one would normally be on top of have a greater possibility to slip by. I feel this way about EVERY elected position, not just the school board.

And, frankly, because the three incumbent board members are not seeking re-election, I’m not running against an incumbency bias. At the time I filed to run, I was the 4th person on the ballot. While the other three candidates certainly have name recognition in the community, I feel like I’m not entering the election with a disadvantage against an incumbent. I feel that this is as level as the playing field has been in a long time.

Ralph Phillips running for Ozark school board

Ralph Phillips
Q: Who encouraged you to run for school board? Why?  
Being a 20-year volunteer I’ve been encouraged by many, many educators, support staff and parents to run for our school board based on their knowledge of my commitment to our schools.
  Specifically this is my 12th year with Ozark Schools as a volunteer, reading buddy, booster supporter, serving on three separate Master Planning Committees and overall volunteer.  I have been blessed with an outstanding career in law enforcement and it was this experience that led me to volunteering in schools.
   But the most cherished reward was being chosen as the Ozark School volunteer of the year.   I along with my wife, (a retired educator and current volunteer) along with our entire family are very passionate towards advocating and volunteering.
  We have and will continue to support our students, educators and staff.  To validate our commitment please note that our daughter, nephew and brother in law have all been selected as volunteers of the year.

 Q: Why (personally) did you decide to run?
A: I have always had the desire to serve on the Board but my various positions throughout my career have prohibited or disqualified me for seeking this position
So in short it was both encouragement and passion that led me to run.   I would like it to be noted that it had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with my not being re elected.   Also of note is served has been a part of my family’s life as long as I can remember.  It’s the rewards that keep me passionate.  I would cherish the opportunity to bring my well documented conservative values to the board. 

Anthony Petrosino running for Ozark school board

Anthony Petrosino

Q: Who encouraged you to run for school board? Why?

There wasn’t anyone who encouraged me to run for school board. People who know me know I am a straight shooter and very black and white. 

During 2021 I kept hearing pastors, and other political leaders I respected, say that it was time to get involved in local elections, so I decided to pursue that possibility.

As I move forward I am excited to see people come forward to encourage and volunteer wherever they are needed to help me in my effort.  None of us could have guessed a few years ago that I would be taking such a large step of faith.

Q: Why did you decide to run?

After the elections of 2020 I thought we lost our Republic, so I got discouraged because I did not see how we could win against a dishonest and perverted political party that would do anything in their power to gain control of office and destroy our lives. The very Republic I swore an oath to defend and protect for twenty years serving in the United States Navy.

As I stated earlier, I started hearing many say that we should pursue local elections to strengthen the Republic, which invigorated me to get involved, so I started pursuing a possible run for the school board in 2021.

While meeting with different groups and committees I noticed a couple of likeminded people put their name on the ballot, so I decided not to run on a crowded ticket, to ensure I didn’t split the vote and have them lose to the incumbents.

In the fall of 2022, I decided to look at the possibility of running again, with the same concept, (not wanting to split any votes) making sure we have three strong candidates elected to the board. As it turned out this time, I find myself as a candidate for the Ozark School Board, one which I will work hard for the votes of the community.

When I first pursued running, I decided to attend some school board meetings. The first one I attended I was appalled at the process to request making statements in front of the school board. 

Individuals who wanted to discuss their concerns in front of the board and administration had to show up before the actual meeting. When they arrived, they were taken to another room to discuss, or show the prepared document of what they wanted to say at the podium.

That night it was obvious the individual that spoke was discussing his displeasure of a prominent figure that was being removed, fired, or whatever you want to call it. The person speaking started to say the individual’s name but was stopped mid-sentence, and was forbidden to say his name, which was absurd! 

A few months later I went to another board meeting and when I showed up the meeting had just ended. It seems like the district decided to change the meeting time without giving ample notice for citizens to attend. This seems like a common practice that keeps happening!

This was enough for me to decide to run for school board, because if they can act like this then what else is happening behind the scenes that the community does not see.   

So, why am I running for Ozark School Board?

  • To give the student body better opportunities to get the highest quality of ACADEMIC education, preparing them to be productive citizens of society.
  • To ensure faculty have a harassment free environment allowing them to concentrate and encourage the growth and development of each student.

Christina Tonsing running for Ozark school board

Christina Tonsing

The reason I am running for school board is because of the great need for more transparency and accountability in our school district.

Over the years, Ozark has built a wonderful system of education and has earned a reputation as one of the best schools in the area, deservedly so.

Families move here intentionally so their kids can attend our schools.  We need to carefully preserve that high quality of education and that excellent reputation, to protect it from attack, both from the outside culture as well as from anything harmful within the District.

  Many ideas that do not match our values in Ozark are tumbling into school systems all around us, including in this corner of our state.  The District Board of Education has the responsibility to stand as a bulwark ensuring that our students and our District employees have the best environment in which to cultivate a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge and understanding.

So, in answer to your question, the only prompting I received when deciding to run was that of my passion and my conscience: our kids in Ozark are too valuable to allow anything but the best into our school system!

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