Voting records of the Supreme Court vs. Ozark School Board

OZARK, MO — In the last decade, the United States Supreme Court has ruled unanimously between 35 and 65 percent of the time. In that same time period, the Ozark School Board (and other Missouri school boards) vote unanimously at much higher rates.


Is it because they all agree?

Nope. It’s because they don’t have time to sift through page after page of documents thrust at them last minute. The Ozark Superintendent shoves piles of paperwork at school board members, who are busy with their regular lives, and can only squeeze in so much time to investigate school matters. After all, they’re volunteers. The super is a big bucks district employee who spends a full-time schedule at the school.

The board is just there for monthly meetings and can’t digest all the details. So they accept what the super recommends, and rubber stamp the proposals because they don’t have time or complete information. It’s too messy to chase rabbit trails.

That’s why the Ozark, and other Missouri schools, have very little accountability in budgeting, or personnel matters, or bullying issues, or whatever parents don’t like or want for their kiddos.

It sucks.

Those kiddos deserve better. Teachers deserve better. Administrators are paid big bucks to hand out their agenda to an elected school board that is supposed to be their overseer, but can’t, because of time constraints.

Instead, the idea is to unify decision-makers through an indoctrination program known as the Missouri School Boards Association. The MSBA gathers new board members up like a mother hen and gives them the “let’s unify” message. I believe voters and taxpayers in Ozark elected board members to have their own voice and do their own investigation.

Help is on the way for Ozark Board members

A group is helping board members get the facts they need. This group is a working group designed to fill the time gap for Ozark school board members. That’s good news. They have an ally. They have a voice. Parents and other concerned citizens are working diligently behind the scenes to come up with real world solutions for Ozark school board members.

The group name is Ozark School Support Team. and while they are looking for a leader, the group meets bi-weekly to discuss issues and work on solutions so board members don’t have to do all the heavy lifting by themselves.

Individual voices from the baord are encouraged. Some board members think MSBA prohibits them from speaking out. False! They can have a voice, in writing, much like US Supreme Court justices often write their dissents to decisions.

Let’s sort out who is a voice for change and accountability, and who is a puppet for the administration by supporting Ozark schools through the Ozark Schools Support Team.

Split votes in board meetings means people are thinking for themselves, and for the children, not just the administration’s interests.

What are your thoughts?

28620cookie-checkVoting records of the Supreme Court vs. Ozark School Board