Truth now: Why Evangel University teacher quit!

SPRINGFIELD, MO — An Evangel University teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the CCT why he quit after years of teaching there.

“Since Covid, we have lost our self-control in this culture,” he said. “People go to class when they feel like it. They work when they feel like it. It’s all based on feelings now.”

Dirty secret in Christian university

The former teacher continued. “Evangel is more interested in the school side of things than the spiritual lives of their students.” Shocking news for an Assemblies of God, Bible based university.

I graduated from Evangel in 1988. I also attended James River Church years later, so I’m familiar with the A/G. I also worked at the Assemblies of God Headquarters. They had about 1,800 students back then, about what they have now. My parents operated a private Christian school and a little country church and didn’t have an income sufficient for the steep private college tuition, so I qualified for a government PELL grant, which offset nearly everything for me.

It costs more to go to Evangel per year than many people make in a year. Click here for more.

College is becoming a thing of the past

I’m grateful for my education, but nowadays, college isn’t for most. With the Internet and access to public information, paid learning has taken a dramatic shift. Rather than pricey tuition fees, most people of any age can self-educate (remember Abe Lincoln? Eddie Van Halen?) and do what they do to the stratosphere. The only limit is their imagination and creativity. More options exist than ever before.

Except the most important ingredient. Self-control.

According to the former teacher at EU, who now works in an unrelated field, lack of self-control, which kept people like himself and others working and producing, even when they didn’t feel like it, has sapped the drive out of students now. The current generation now isn’t willing to work unless they have access to their text messaging on the clock.

The former teacher pulled out his cell phone and pointed to it. “This is like a pack of cigarettes,” he told the CCT. “It took the government 20 years of research to tell the American people cigarettes were deadly. It’s been about that long for our hand-held devices. When will they announce the dangers of unrestricted Internet access among children and teenagers? It’s destroying them.”

CCT: What’s the answer? Will this generation be able to pull out of it, or do we have to raise a new generation that rejects devices for developing minds?”

WARNING: close your eyes if you don’t want to hear his answer. Better yet, click off this site now.

I’ll wait.

Are you still here? Still reading?

Former Teacher from Evangel: It’s a lost hope. We won’t see any progress for a long time until something drastic happens, but I don’t know when that will be.”

It’s not just Evangel University

If that’s happened to Christian college students, what about the rest of the student population? How are they faring?

Nationwide, for example, math scores are at an all-time low. We are quickly becoming a nation of confused idiots. All schools are failing far faster than ever (with a few exceptions).

The mainstream media blames covid, mass shootings, violence, etc. Click here for more. The World Economic Forum states the existing education system is based on outdated methods. Click here for more.

The World Economic Forum further suggests three skills must be prominent to succeed in the present “age of disruption.”

Click here for more.

The true remedy isn’t any of that stuff

The real answer isn’t any of that stuff the media puts out there. Here is the answer:

The world needs a spiritual awakening.

Because people reject God, in whose image and spirit we are created by Him, we won’t follow any “world economic forum” or any other three step, five step, or 105-step process to get back what we’ve lost.

It will only happen after a spiritual renewal. Harrison Butker opened up the idea that faith matters more than woke ideology in his controversial commencement address at Benedictine College. Click here for the entire speech. Hell, that wasn’t controversial. What’s controversial is that morals and traditions are considered controversial.

Taking the best place kicker in the world and putting him in front of a bunch of loons doesn’t make him the problem. He wrote a good talk. He is better than anyone at what he does for a living. His jersey sales soared after that speech. Woke liberals hate that when the truth gets out there. But the rest of us get it.

We need a spiritual revival in schools before the violence and bad grades situation improves. Listen to the traditions of the Bible and encourage yourself and others to NOT follow their heart, because that can deceive you. Instead, encourage the students to follow God’s purpose and will, not money, not fame, not success, and then they WILL truly succeed, with or without their gadgets or pandemic PTSD.

Johnny Rooster publishes a news and entertainment blog called the Christian County Trumpet in Christian County, Missouri. (not the religion; the county name)

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