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(Truth now) Ozark mayor race: Puppet, Bully, or Country?

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OZARK, MO — Three men are running for Ozark mayor. They’ve done it before, same threesome. One is a puppet, one is a bully, and one is country.

Which of those three words best describes a good mayor for Ozark?

The Puppet

Option 1: Go with the current mayor, seeking re-election. Don Currence. He’s the puppet mayor who does whatever his boss tells him. His boss is Rick Gardner who is as Barak Obama is to Joe Biden, the guy behind the curtain running the show. For more, click here. And even more, click here.

The Bully

Option 2: The bully. David Snider was a Springfield cop for 20 years. “I pulled homeless people out of homes by the hair of their heads!” he said, with glee, at a public meeting. And he meant it literally! He wants to bully his way through the system, like it or not!

Option 3: Country. That’s “Country Cousin” Eddie Campbell, a Kentucky Colonel wearing cowboy boots and a Carhart. Eddie isn’t big on smooth speeches, but he’s keen on keeping local government accountable. He catches things the current mayor and city administrator try to sneak in, such as this coming Monday night’s vote on whether the city should start lining their pockets with inspection fees. The city administrator put out a propaganda piece trying to convince aldermen that collecting inspection fees from landlords is a good thing.

Country Cousin

City mandated tenant inspections are an overreach of government. Shame on the city administrator and mayor for wanting to collect fees for rental housing inspections. It’s big brother bully and puppet politics.

Choose a better candidate in April, Ozark.

Sing the popular John Denver song with new lyrics:

Country roads, take me home, to the place, I belong… Country Cousin, he’s the one, take me home, country roads!

41180cookie-check(Truth now) Ozark mayor race: Puppet, Bully, or Country?