Truth now: Mom kicked out of James River Church reveals church nightmare!

The mom who got kicked out of James River Church on Mother’s Day, Rahela Petian, a Romanian mother of five, shared the following nightmare revealing a tragic truth about the megachurch! Click here for her shocking story about getting kicked out of church!

3:37AM 6/18/24 I frantically woke up from a very vivid dream. I ran out of my dream at full force. Is that even possible? That’s how I felt. I was sweaty, grabbed my water bottle on my nightstand to gulp down water. Cool water. I reached for my phone to look at the time. 3:37AM. I felt a sense of sadness, of fear, or worry upon me & I began to pray. Lord speak to me. Lord what is this? Lord, give me peace. “Lord, in the NAME OF JESUS, if there is any attack over me and my life in this moment, BREAK IT.” I lay there for a few minutes but I couldn’t shake it off. I couldn’t gather myself or grasp my mind around this dream. What is it Lord, what does this mean? I really didn’t know.

The dream

I had a dream that I was walking down a long wide hall of a hospital (as it appeared, a medical facility), dim, sad, not good lighting. I just saw endless long halls but rooms and doors side by side down the hall. Immediately as I turned to a door, a group of employees appeared to ask me for help. 3 individuals, younger. They asked if I could help them prepare a dead body for the funeral & grave. I immediately thought, well yes, I can help. These individuals appeared to be frantic, as if in a rush. No specific explanations other than to help them prepare a dead body. They opened a door to a room where I could barely see, it was dark, a dim amount of natural light only came in the room through the small window. I could see an old frail, thin, woman with gray, mostly white short hair. I looked at her body lying on the bed and the “workers” around her were quickly wanting to grab the curtains off the window and bed sheets to wrap her. They were in a rush & began to roll her body side to side to wrap her in sheets. Immediately I was upset. Distraught in fact. I immediately in the moment said, stop, turn on the lights, I went to the door to turn the light switch on so we can see better and work better. I began to speak to tell the individuals that the manner they are wrapping the body is not right. They shouted, leave the light alone. Do not turn it on. They began to quickly wrap the old woman over and over in curtains and sheets, as if they were in a rush to hide the body or cover it. In that moment I was so sick to my stomach and my spirit was so heavy burdened by what I saw that I could not accept this. I did not want any part of this. I turned around in the room, opened the door and ran as quick as I could out the door, down the hall. I woke up frantic. 3:37AM.

Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, I couldn’t calm myself from this dream.

On Sunday 6/16/24 John Lindell announced that he will be speaking on the NAR- New Apostolic Reformation “theory”/subject on Wednesday this week to address NAR issues “surfacing social media today”. Wednesday 6/19/23 at the James River prayer service, a via simulcast- PRERECORDED service from 7/13/2023 was played and the church REMOVED the current live Wednesday message from their YouTube and Facebook platforms {also, thank you to the camera employee who confirmed the date of the prerecorded 2023 message played}.

I was able to listen to the 44.09 minute “sermon”, take 4 pages of notes on it, break it apart, & compare it to the word of God. To write a summary of my views or understanding of the message may require another longggg post for another time; but 2 very distinct matters stood out to me from the Wednesday NAR presentation. It’s really a presentation. Not a sermon. Not a spirit filled message. Not the word of God to minister or uplift a body of Christ. It’s an “educated presentation” of secular NAR practices & explanations. 1) In 18 years of attending JRC, it’s probably one of the most disorganized messages I have ever heard John Lindell preach from the pulpit. It’s probably one of the most lost messages and one of the most confusing message. Not one direction. Not one purpose to build the Kingdom of Jesus & not one real relevance to the word of God. In fact, when you listen to it fully, you will leave with more questions, confusion, and worry then when you started prior to the message or yet you may be better off by not even listening to it!

2. second point that I could just not shake off is the Holy Spirit grieving the word: REPLICA.

Replica. That’s the devils’ #1 agenda TODAY among true believers, churches, & Christian’s all over the world is to create a replica of Gods’ word, but just enough “smidge” or “tarnish” where over time, we will not have the ability to discern that it is INDEED a replica of Gods’ word but rather toxic poison and lies of the enemy. Not truth.

AGAIN: REPLICA-nearly identical of the WORD OF GOD, enough replica infiltrated that we mistake it for “truth” over time and before we know it, we are FAR from truth or God. Similar to a Louis Vuitton purse …. For the visual people here…. Some are so identical to the real brand and leather that we can often see individuals with LV bags over and over on rotation that we essentially believe it is real and they must invest thousands of dollars in these bags…. But in truth, they are fake. Completely fake. Fake quality, fake ingredients often harsh and toxic and over time 6 months to 1-2 years those bags completely disintegrate . Essentially this is our faith. If we don’t know the Bible, over time, “the replicas” will fracture our spirits. We will end up spiritually dead! CHURCH WAKE UP.

John speaks Wednesday of 6 theological beliefs of NAR: apostolic governance, role of prophets, domination & theocracy, extra biblical revelations, spiritual ware fare & theoretical spirits, & lastly the signs & wonders of NAR principles. In each point, he made statements “new apostles to govern others”, “if a church wants that, it’s up to them” “who is to say this is right or wrong”, “role of prophets to aide the church to establish a dominion”, “prophecy ALWAYS for encouragement only” {actually this thought really got to me! There are many clear scriptures where prophecy is to warn, to foretell, to convict the sinner to repentance, & so much more!!} “mankind lost dominion over earth & Satan dominates it” “however the kingdom advances, it would be great” “I can be friends with a post millennial” “I can be friends with a Presbyterian believer” {insinuating that all beliefs are just honky dory!}. These are just a few quotes…..but boyyyyyy, I don’t even need to be a scholar to be completely confused by these statements. A simple person would leave this message with so many questions.

ASK QUESTIONS dear body of Christ. Do not put your complete faith, trust, & understanding in a “scholarly man” in a mega star or whomever you want to insert here. The Lord calls us to seek His actual word!

Amos 8:9-12 “In that day,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight. I will turn your religious festivals into mourning and all your singing into weeping. I will make all of you wear sackcloth and shave your heads. I will make that time like mourning for an only son and the end of it like a bitter day. “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.”

For those who think this is bringing disunity…

‭‭ Guys!!! Please let us not mistake “bringing disunity to the body of Christ” or division in our families with SPEAKING TRUTH AND GOD KNOWLEDGE! HIS WORD. Be bold for it!!! In revelations, the word of God says, there will be those that hear and see and will have nothing to do with God or salvation. Some who hear will never want to change. Don’t fall behind or in the pit of hell for the sake not “to cause a fight”. Speak with boldness to truth and stomp on the devil when he tries to quiet you. I firmly firmly firmly believe this. Nowwwww…. The flip side, we can speak with grace and love, but do not bend Gods word to justify a situation or “salvage a relationship” sometimes the hard truth is what is needed for a heart to be convicted & repent.

And back to my dream…. I shared the dream in a voice message to 2 individuals, one from Ozark-here locally & the other was an individual from across the planet in another country -Romania. Praying for several days over my dream & to understand it, the Lord brought to mind these 2 individuals to share the dream with.

Romanian man reveals truth behind dream!

The elderly man in Romania when he heard the voice message he immediately picked up the phone and called me early AM hours as we are 8 hours back of Romania. He picked up the phone and boldly said: “Rahela, the dead old woman is the church. Infact, the Lord showed me it’s a church you have been a part of. An old church. A church that has had great foundations, wisdom, many have birth through the church, hence the old woman with white hair.” “But today IT IS SPIRITUALLY DEAD.” No matter how you want to dress the church, to wrap it in covers, sheets or quickly dispose and deceive the Holy Spirit, it’s just dead. “You can’t make a dead body look good no matter what”. You wanted to turn the lights on and do things in the light but they demanded to leave it dark. They quickly wanted to dispose of “a situation” but they remained in darkness. Demonic practices. They were comfortable there. The man continued to speak and break down the dream and I couldn’t grasp fast enough what God had spoken through the dream.

A man completely across the world who has no idea of my life or any churches here locally, discerned the dream to the relevance of events we are seeing today in our church & “the C-hurch” today.

The 2nd person I shared the dream with stated that the woman represented the church history, the foundation, or possibly even a church. The young people in the dream, for such a time as this, the young and future generations. They are being fed “words of wisdom” “prophetic words” but never the entire truth and the totality of Gods’ word. Over time, a replica is built and it cripples the body of Christ to spiritual death.

Especially for the men

I keep thinking… especially for the men (who may get this best, for the avid grillers out there…) & those who know to appreciate a slow cured and grilled piece of steak. It’s perfect. It’s a healthy heavy flavor of natural juices, fat, a slice of protein perfection. You can place the steak on a platter with 20 different steak sauces to “enchance the flavor” however you want it, to dress it, to deceive, to mask, to add a little of this or that, but if we don’t acknowledge the cooking process of the steak or fully prepare the steak and eat the steak, no sauce will ever sustain us enough.

I pray that if you are still reading this, you eat from the steak. The Holy truth of God’s WORD: the Bible. Sustain yourself with truth. We can have all the sauces over time as we get… but if we don’t eat from the daily mana, we will get spiritually crippled & may never receive the ability to discern the replica & sure enough the antichrist will begin to take formation in our lives.

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