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Truth now: Are Some blue states actually red?

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It’s true. Some blue states wear red undergarments. The blue is just a formality smock over the red jump suit.

Democrats like to dress some red states up in a blue uniform to look like the blue team is stronger than it is.

How do I know?

Voter ID requirements.

Blue states that don’t require any ID to vote are just, well, saying, “We know illegals can vote, dead people can vote, people can vote multiple times, etc.”

Here is what others say about Harris winning in NO VOTER ID states.

A guy at church that told me after Sunday school last Sunday that people in New York paid folks to take an assumed name and vote Democrat in multiple polling places for money. The payee presented a new name with each vote. And this was back in the 60s!

Voter fraud is nothing new.

States with the no ID required blues…

New York isn’t the only “blue” state ignoring voter ID. California also doesn’t require it (surprise, surprise, I know!)

Others on the “blue list” of NO voter ID required to vote:

Washington, D.C. (of course!)

Illinois (blue since 1988)

New Mexico (blue since 2008)

Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersy, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington.

All blue (except Nevada and Pennsylvania, which go back and forth because of fraud.) It takes A LOT of extra honest red votes to counter the fraud in PA and NV. If it’s close, it’s because votes are not recorded properly. It’s ridiculous. If honest votes were the only votes cast, via photo ID and proof of residency, then Illinois, New Mexico, Minnesota and Maine would likely be red every election.

Even here in Missouri, my friend Judy said her daughter Becky and Becky’s husband were DENIED the right to vote this year because they had moved. In the process of trying to find their current address, Becky and her husband realized they had been REMOVED from voter registration completely. And they had voted regularly in previous Missouri elections!


My brother is a farmer in Colorado (where they don’t require PHOTO ID to vote). He votes red, but his vote wasn’t counted until AFTER the election. (His state does mail in voting, and you can track when your vote is counted.)

Red rural voters are more likely to vote

Look at the map. It’s almost all red in every state, except urban areas. So, it’s not red states vs. blue states. it’s rural vs. urban. There are more rural voters in the nation because urban voters vote less, and urban voters lack interest in voting, because they are less patriotic.

A young voter in my family who voted for the first time in 2020 (for Biden) grew disillusioned with Biden and Harris and didn’t vote in 2024. That’s good. Better to not vote than vote blue.

Bite me and fight me if you don’t agree, but my opinion still stands. Rural voters are more patriotic and more likely to vote. Men are more likely to vote. Older people are more likely to vote. And that’s a good thing.

Rules of engagement for future elections

We need to do away with:

Mail in ballots (except for military, out of the area employment, and disability)

We need to require:

Valid photo ID to vote

Simple. They do things right in Florida. They do things wrong in Nevada. Easy examples.

What think you, America?

Johnny Rooster is an opinion blogger with a quirky disposition. He lives in a red state and votes red. He has friends who vote blue and live in red states, and vote red in blue states, and vote blue in blue states, and vote red in red states. I guess he gets along with everyone who decides to get along with him.

40410cookie-checkTruth now: Are Some blue states actually red?