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Truth hurts: fake miracle at James River Church now exposed

OZARK, MO — The truth hurts: a fake miracle at James River Church is now exposed. Grant Olson, a local dentist and 20-year former member of James River Church, is calling foul on the lead pastor, John Lindell.

“John Lindell was a fraud in this,” Olson blasts away. “This is a fake miracle.”

What was the outrageous statement regarding? A supposed miracle of toes growing back, a highly publicized “miracle” claim of divine healing where John Lindell mocked naysayers for not believing the story.

Watch the video here.

Video evidence: Pastor John Lindell called out for lying

John Lindell out and out lied about a miracle regarding new toes being grown on a person claiming to be healed, according to Olson, who shows video evidence of the fraud on his Youtube channel.

The whole thing was a fake, bogus miracle for publicity, Olson said.

“It’s not my opinion,” Olson said. “I wish it weren’t true. This is absolute fraudulent behavior.”

Watch the video by a local dentist, Dr. Grant Olson, who was part of the church for 20 years.

“It’s outright sinful,” Olson said. “I feel sorry for the staff members (who are forced to perpetuate the lie.)”

Olson said members should be leaving James River Church. “We are accountable to the Word of God. If your leader is not accountable to that…”

Olson said he loves the big church; he wants the truth to come out. He is open about wanting to help.

“I’m calling every man at James River Church to show themselves man enough to hold your leadership accountable. Call Pastor John. Show him the videos. Show him the photos. If he doesn’t listen, that’s evidence to where his heart is.”

“This is crazy,” Olson said on the video. “The Bible is true. John Lindell is not. He needs to apologize for lying about the toes miracle and Mark Driscoll and Alex Magala situation.”

BREAKING: CCT has also learned reports have surfaced about a JRC staff member resigning and being offered hush money. MORE LATER AS THE STORY UNFOLDS.

“You were wrong, John,” he urged members of the megachurch to say to their pastor.

“I hope John has a change of heart.”

James River Church Ozark MO

John Lindell is a hypocrite and people need to leave James River Church

John Lindell before he started looking like Bill Johnson, his hero

“John Lindell is a hypocrite who needs to repent of his sin. Godly people need to confront him and leave the church,” Olson recommended.

Click here for the video that exposes the new toes lies!!!

Click here for my story about James River Church. I was a member active in ministry there from 1997 until 2011, when I was banned from the building for spreading lies about John Lindell’s father-in-law. By the way, I spread no lies. That’s what they wanted the church board to believe.

Click here for my James River Church story.

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One response to “Truth hurts: fake miracle at James River Church now exposed”

  1. […] with JRC leadership to hold Pastor John Lindell accountable for lies and coverups, to no avail. Click here for more about […]