The truth: 10 ways to improve your relationships now

Here are 10 ways to improve your relationships now.

Trust me, I’m an expert at poor relationship building. I’ve got numerous relatives and friends who won’t talk to me anymore.

You read that right.

Because I blew so many relationships, I can tell you how to NOT do that. So, listen up, this is how it’s done:

First step in improving relationships

First off, there are no 10 ways to do anything well. Average results have multiple solutions. Big results have one or two. The bigger the result, the fewer possible solutions.

If you truly want to improve your relationships, you have to do one thing:

Improve yourself.

Stop worrying about what others think of you, or how they respond to you, or how they ignore you, or are offended by you, or whatever. Get them out of your head.

Work on being a better you. Forgive others, anything you have against them. Right now. I’ll wait.

Once you truly forgive, and let it go, you are free from 152 pounds of garbage in your soul. Your soul is your mind, will and emotions, your intellect, your personality, your state of being. You don’t want that jeopardized. No way.

Now that you have forgiven everyone, decide in advice, right stinkin’ now, to future forgive them, too. Yeah, you read that right. Decide that whatever grievance they will generate in the future, you forgive them for that, and then some. Over forgive. Go beyond what’s fair, and take it to the ridiculous. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Don’t hold back. See if you can out forgive yesterday, today. Then, tomorrow, out forgive today.

A quality decision to truly forgive, and not keep record of wrongs, will do you good. Warning: You may experience peace and satisfaction if you truly forgive all others forever and ever amen.

Second step in improving relationships

The next step in improving relationships is to determine to NEVER speak ill of anyone.


I made that decision about 3 weeks before writing this. So far, it’s freeing. I don’t own negative energy about anyone.

Oh, I hung on to negativity for years about lots of people, but nope. Ain’t worth it.

Honest. It’s not that hard to let it all go, once you make your mind up. Resolved.

Stop here and think about that. Then, do it. Resolve to NEVER speak ill of anyone again.

It’s easier than you think.

Now, there aren’t ten things to improve your relationships, but hey, two is more manageable anyway, right?


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