A Spiritual War is all around us now!

A UK teacher was forced to resign and had to apologize for calling 11-year-old female students “girls”. Sounds like a horror comedy. But it’s true. We’re in a spiritual war.

Closer to home, here in the Show Me State, some “wack job” trans, non-binary creep of a teacher in Kirkwood, MO is acting out and living a disgusting, despicable lifestyle, mocking sanity and encouraging insane behavior. Making a damn circus of our educational system! Right here in Missouri! We’re in a spiritual war.


What the hell is wrong with people?

It isn’t right. John Wayne, Johnny Cash, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln and Elvis Presley and your great-grandparents are rolling over in their freakin’ graves!

It’s not “they/them” y’all. Listen up, class. “They” is two or more people. You are a “she” if you are born female and a “he” if you are born male. A hen doesn’t become a rooster through surgery. You damn fools! How dare you remove the purpose of education and turn it into a mockery of decency and truth!

More than a cultural war; it’s a spiritual war

Our culture is eroding before our eyes, and we’re letting it. Even in my son’s school in Fair Grove, MO, a gay/trans agenda group PROUD has surfaced all over my son’s theater group. A PRIDE rainbow was at the next table during our last dinner theater. It’s a spiritual battle right here in the Ozarks.

Folks, it’s time to recognize a spiritual war. It’s the forces of evil mentioned in the Bible. Guys, I’m not gonna go down as complacent during this spiritual war. I’m putting on the full armor of God and standing against the devil in our education system and beyond.

Progress in Ozark School Board

Voters elected better school board members in Ozark earlier this month. The tyrannical superintendent stepped down. Things can change if we stand up against the lies perpetuated by evil people.

26950cookie-checkA Spiritual War is all around us now!