“Bank Job” in Sparta: Good or bad investment for now?

SPARTA, MO— Remember the movies where the bad guys did a “bank job” replete with bandanas and guns a blazing? I remember a unique incident at the Citizens Bank of Sparta back in the early 1980s when a bandana and cowboy hat wearing bandit strolled in and put on a good show for the security cameras before he left with a small amount of cash. Old Ira Maggard (Kenny’s dad) who owned Maggard’s Furniture across the street (where the Cory Smith Building now stands) told KY3 “I had a bead on him.”

Several good ol’ boys followed the suspect, who was soon apprehended. Those were the days.

Fast forward to more recent times. The Citizens Bank sold out to Legacy Bank, which eventually moved to the Stockmen’s Bank location on the west side of Sparta. (Sort of a bank musical chairs idea?)

Newest “Bank Job”

Then, in recent months, the old Legacy /Citizens Bank, now empty and forlorn, was sold at a public auction. The successful bidder ($250K) was the City of Sparta.


Some folks are a-sayin’ that the City of Sparta used covid relief funds to buy the bank, and that there money shoulda been spent for, well, covid relief (whatever that is).

Them same ol’ foks is a-sayin (looks both ways, lowers voice to a bad-breathy whisper) they’re a-sayin’ Mayor Jenni Davis is behind the purchase, and that she convinced the city council (excuse me, board of aldermen) to vote in favor of it durin’ a closed emergency session on a Thursday night, two days before the auction!

SIDE NOTE: I, for one, am happy it’s the board of aldermen and not the board of alderpeople. Alderpeople sounds like a gayish 70s rock band (remember Y M C A?) Oh, wait, that was the Village People. Nevermind.

It’s fun to stay at the Y-Y-Y M C A!!

Anyways, talk has it the mayor is behind the purchase, which one of them there three board members present voted against. The fourth excused himself (Jim Campbell) because, word has it, he wanted to buy it…

So, one of the two women aldermen (alderwomen? Oh, here we go again…) voted “yes”. One voted “no”.

The alderMAN voted “yes” (Jeb Buschman). So, Jeb and one of the women wanted the city to buy the buliding.

Not saying it’s a bad thing. But here are the questions for Mayor Davis, Jeb Buschman and the other female alderman (either Tami Guerin or Amy Hammons):

  1. How much does the building cost the city in monthly insurance, and upkeep?
  2. What are the plans for the building? (Some say rent out office space, in addition to community gatherings.)
  3. What maintenance concerns are there? The bank was built in the days of black and white TV, so come on, there are maintenance concerns!

The Christian County Trumpet put some stuff on its YouTube channel and those are getting a lot of back and forth comments on Sparta MO Facebook page and another Sparta Facebook page here.

Sparta residents speak out!

Here are some gleanings from the Sparta MO neighborhood page on Facebook in response to a YouTube video and another video here. Both are posted on the Christian County Trumpet channel:

JIM MEZEL: “This is just some sleazy attempt to put a bad spin on what the city aldermen agreed to do (with the exception of one) The city didn’t seize the building. They bought it at an auction where anyone could have bid on it. And as for the underground clandestine meeting, you would have to call a meeting to do something if it is time sensitive, and meetings about real estate I believe are required by law to be closed. The city can call a special session at any time for anything. If I’m wrong let me know, I don’t claim to be an expert on this.”

Screenshots of Facebook reactions!

CCT RESPONSE: First off, Chris, the problem is you have NO INTENTION OF VOTING because you don’t know either candidate. Then you go on to say you talked with the current mayor and would vote for her? Then do it! Please! Or better yet, get to know her opponent and make an actual decision based on facts!

23050cookie-check“Bank Job” in Sparta: Good or bad investment for now?