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Sinister movie plot playing out in Ozark

OZARK, MO — I’ve never been frightened by “scary” movies. I’ll admit, I’m too distracted by desperate and obvious tricks to make the audience “jump.”

But that aside, scary, sinister movies and books with a dark plot are as popular as Barbie dolls were among preteen girls in the ’70s.

True stories are the scary ones, to me. Stories of heartache and loss, betrayal, treachery, abuse, and evil.

Man’s inhumanity to man is grizzly and grotesque throughout the ages.

In Ozark, MO, a sinister real life drama is unfolding day by day.

The real-life victims are, unfortunately, those who want to teach our children as individuals rather than dumb them down to a system drunk on its own toxic power.

An eager teacher from another district finally got her dream job at Ozark this school year. But the dream soon became a nightmare. She wasn’t allowed to teach her students individually; no, she had to farm them like cattle in the “Ozark way.”

What is the “Ozark way” of teaching?

Following a rigid, standardized testing and instruction method by the State Propaganda Machine. A system that won’t accept individual merit. A cause fueled by the twisted minds that pass for school administrators.

This horror film playing out in real life caused PTSD like symptoms in the teacher referred to above.

She has now been reduced to following a Professional Improvement Plan that isn’t being explained. The goal?

Force her resignation so the district won’t be liable in a lawsuit.

The teacher in question hired a lawyer, but the district has a wealthy, powerful system of sucking taxpayers’ money to insulate from lawsuits by playing a politicized version of “following state guidelines ” to escape legal retaliation.

In other words, as long as the District “follows state procedure” no actual “truth” need come out in a “hearing.”

Because of this, the sinister plot is working in favor of pompous, overpaid school administrators, and continues to deny voices of well-meaning teachers.

Our example lady teacher is indeed resigning at the end of the school year.

There are scores of teachers like her. They are being replaced by young, “woke” college grads eager to follow the rules, the “Ozark way.”

Conservative, experienced teachers beware: Ozark Schools are your own personal horror film.

22800cookie-checkSinister movie plot playing out in Ozark