School bus driver paves way to be a peacemaker

OZARK, MO — An Ozark R-VI school bus driver has paved the way to be a peacemaker on her school bus.

In a chaotic world of unruly students, it’s refreshing to see a capable young woman doing her part to ensure a peaceful ride to and from school.

“A peaceful ride is a safe ride,” the driver, who cannot be named due to school security policy, told the CCT.

Her cure for chaos?

A book buddy program.

The driver couldn’t give details about the program, due to security reasons, but basically the students pair with each other to read and discuss a book along the route to and from school. Books are kept on the bus and are approved.

“The kids really get interested in the books and sharing the information they learn along the way,” she said.

It reminds one of the good ol’ days before the Internet.

The driver said another driver has also implemented a similar plan on his bus.

When asked why she doesn’t expand her idea to include all the drivers, her answer sadly reflected human nature.

“Drivers with a longer driving history sometimes frown on newbies telling them how to create a good atmosphere on the bus,” she said, shrugging.

We get it. Some people think they know everything. Sheesh!

12320cookie-checkSchool bus driver paves way to be a peacemaker