Part 2: Mold hazard hidden by Ozark Middle School officials

Shelly Pettit at Ozark Middle School

OZARK, MO — Shelly Pettit taught for years at Ozark Middle School. She got sick from mold in the school.

Her doctor knows that.

But school administrators are doing their best to cover it up and make it all go away.

Mold is a serious problem. Read more about the effects of mold in schools here.

Following is Part 2 of Shelly Pettit’s story about how she was treated during her complaint of mold in her school.

Dr. Chesick (Assistant Superintendent of Operations) agreed to have my room
inspected by LCS. Then when the inspector arrived, Dr. Chesick refused to let me talk
to the inspector and told me it was too costly and it would take five years to get to all the
rooms due to costs and they would only be checking certain rooms. Dr. Chesick told me
and my husband the air filters hadn’t been changed in probably 20 years. He sent the

inspector to other areas of the building. I insisted on an independent air quality test. He
was very angry and condescending and told me they would use a company the school
district uses to perform the test. We were told to mark places of concern with post-it
notes for the inspector. The school custodians were told to clean the air vents that were
mold covered after school, the day before the air quality tests were to be done.
My colleagues and I took various pictures and videos of areas in the school that were
mold hot spots. After randomly chosen rooms were checked by the school’s chosen air
quality inspector, they came back and said the rooms all checked out perfectly fine. In
2017, the air quality was blamed on my essential oil diffuser. In 2018, my plants were
blamed for air quality issues. In 2019 and 2020 district administrators blamed the mold
problems on cardboard boxes, furniture, dust and VOC’s. The air quality results have
been manipulated and mismanaged and are false information. The air quality issues are
being swept under the rug. At the June 2022 BOE meeting, the district administrator
presenting air quality reports was giving information that has been fully discredited by
OSHA and an independent air quality inspector. There were pictures in the slide
presentation from my room (130) in 2018 and 2019 showing my plants and dust on
I continued to try to put work orders in to get my room inspected for the entire next year.
I was reprimanded for putting in work orders with too much detail. I was threatened by
Dr. Russell (MS Principal) to stop putting in work orders and go to him personally to
report any issues. Dr. Russell stated that they have done everything they can to clean
up the mold in our building and he moved me to a different location. He told me that we
need to move on after break. It was causing the workers to not be able to do their job.
And my actions reflect badly on him and the building.
On January 15, 2020 Dr. Russell handed me paperwork for a PIP (Professional
Improvement Plan) and two formal grievances filed against me by maintenance workers
for harassment. There was never an investigation nor did anyone ever hear my side of
the story.
This disciplinary action went from a write-up for taking pictures of mold being removed
in my classroom to a PIP (Professional Improvement Plan) when I asked for
representation in the initial meeting.
The PIP alleges:

  1. Violation of school board policy for taking pictures.
  2. Evaluating maintenance workers.
  3. Failed to communicate professionally with maintenance workers.
  4. Formal staff grievances filed for harassment.
    I was told that I was not allowed to use a cell phone except before and after school,
    limited time on my computer, no talking to maintenance workers or custodians or it
    would result in immediate termination.
    I refused to sign this PIP because I was not in agreement with their allegations. There
    was never an investigation done, nor did any administrator reach out to me to get my
    version of the story.
    I felt harassed on a daily basis by administrators coming into my room and observing
    me several times a day. It was very obvious they had a target on my head and were
    trying to force me out. The stress of working in a hostile environment under these
    conditions, caused me to have additional health problems with anxiety, headaches and
    On March 13, 2020 I had my summative evaluation with Dr. Russell. My NEE teacher
    evaluations were the lowest that I had ever received since working in this district. Dr.
    Russell asked me if I even wanted to come back next year, since I was having health
    issues. I responded that I was praying about it.
    In May of the 2020 school year, I was told I was being relocated to the junior high but I
    would still be rehired. Dr. Russell told me that district administrators acknowledged that I
    was having health problems and they decided I needed a fresh start.
    August 17, 2020 to May 21, 2021
    I completed my first year teaching at the Junior High. I had a great year and no
    problems. This year during Covid restrictions I was allowed to wear a shield. I have a
    medical exemption and cannot tolerate a mask.
    In August of 2021, I submitted my medical exemption to Dr. Link (JH Principal). I even
    went to Professional Development days prior to the first day of school (August 11 & 12)
    and nobody said a word about it. Dr. Link said he was going to have to pass the medical
    exemption along to the district office for approval since I was not vaccinated.
    On August 13, 2021, I received a phone call at 7:00 a.m. from Dr. Porter (JH Assistant
    Principal) and she told me per the district office, I would not be allowed to be in the
    building if I did not wear a mask even though it was fine the entire previous year. I wore

a shield the year before due to my health issues from mold illness. I was told that a
shield was not safe.
After this, I was told to report to the district office to meet with Tammy Short (CFO) and
Gerald Chambers (Executive Director of Secondary Learning). I was given three papers
(Authorization & Release of Medical Information, Letter informing me that I was being
put on administrative leave, and Notary Form). I was told by Chambers that this was just
a process until they talk to my doctors and determine an option for me. I asked what the
criteria was for granting a medical exemption and who decides if it is granted. They told
me that they will talk to my doctor and then their doctors (Cox Health) will hash it out
with my doctor to reach an accommodation in this process. I questioned Chambers
about the school district having “doctors.” I didn’t know that the school had Cox Health
doctors making decisions regarding my health. They are making the rules as they go.
The school guidelines stated that: “Medical Exemptions” (Staff with proper medical
documentation will NOT be required to wear a mask). I could not find anything in the
school board guidelines about the criteria for employees with medical exemptions. I
was placed on administrative paid leave. Short and Chambers tried to pressure me into
signing the paperwork in front of them. I told them that I needed to look over these
papers and speak to my husband in a less stressful environment. I was told by
Chambers if I refused to sign the paperwork then I would be placed on “Unpaid Leave.”
They told me that I officially had until the end of the business day on Monday, August
16, 2021 to return the signed paperwork or risk being on unpaid leave.

Shelly Pettit’s Doctor Gets Involved in Part 3

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