Blog Posts
It’s not what you know. It’s what you learn.
Compliance Defiance
During the “plandemic” fraud of 2020-2021, I often refused to wear a mask in public. I don’t like being told what to do if the new rules don’t make logical sense. Real men follow their instincts like women follow intuition. It’s not wrong to follow rules, generally speaking. We have speed limit and drunk driving…
Sinister movie plot playing out in Ozark
OZARK, MO — I’ve never been frightened by “scary” movies. I’ll admit, I’m too distracted by desperate and obvious tricks to make the audience “jump.” But that aside, scary, sinister movies and books with a dark plot are as popular as Barbie dolls were among preteen girls in the ’70s. True stories are the scary…
Why Republicans are idiots now
THE FOLLOWING is a ROOSTER RANT (opinion of Johnny Rooster, CCT Publisher) You’ve heard the saying “takes one to know one?” Well, I’m a Republican, so I know an idiot when I see one. Democrats stick together. They could have the stupidest, dumbest, most ridiculous viewpoint (i.,e. pretend to change the rules of nature and…
Ozark Mayor candidates now appeal to voters
OZARK, MO — Ozark Mayor candidates are now circling like vultures waiting for the next election. Once upon a time, this guy was the Ozark Mayor. Then along came an election last year, way back in 2022. It happens. So, the mayor runs for Eastern County Commissioner, the seat he really wanted way back in…
Ozark school board candidate now duking it out with a state representative!
OZARK, MO — Ozark R-6 School Board candidate Joey L. Mills, the most liberalest and most wokest of all the candidates, got into a public exchange with 140th District State Representative Jamie Gragg on Facebook recently under a video posted by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Chris Bauman where Bauman took issue with Gragg’s support of…
I’ve been reckless and foolish
If you’re reading this, you found it not by me pushing it somewhere. Truth is, I’ve been reckless and foolish with how I’ve treated certain Ozark school officials and candidates. That being said, I have strong opinions, but I refuse to hurt people intentionally. Please accept my apologies to all I’ve deliberately treated rudely. Johnny…
Sexually explicit books head list of county concerns
OZARK, MO — A public outcry against sexually explicit library books erupted from a standing room only crowd at the Christian County Resource Management building at 1106 W. Jackson Street Saturday. The purpose of the meeting was to establish topics of interest to voters and find think groups to come up with solutions. The meeting…
Ozark school board candidate now publicly lying about fellow candidates!
OZARK, MO — Ozark school board candidate Joey L. Mills is now publicly lying about two fellow candidates. The following is taken from his Facebook page: Elect Joey Mills for Ozark School Board Of the six school board candidates, Ralph, Amber, Guy, and I have been actively supporting, volunteering, advocating, and working for the school…
Truth behind
Read the story of the couple in Ozark at Sands Cafe at the end of this article! OZARK, MO — Maybe you saw a scrolling digital billboard on U.S. Highway 65 recently. The sign that cautions viewers about the tyranny in Ozark schools. The truth behind is here! So now, you are reading this…
Why I couldn’t now vote for candidates I like!
OZARK, MO — It’s crazy, I know. You’re supposed to vote for the candidates you like most, right? But, if I lived in the Ozark School District, I couldn’t vote for candidates I like most. Seems backwards, eh? It is. First off, when it comes to a vote for candidates, nobody cares The Ozark School…
An epic Ozark school board race is now underway
OZARK, MO — An epic Ozark school board race is now underway. To put it in biblical terms, it’s a classic “David vs. Goliath” showdown. It’s gonna be a nail-biter; get the popcorn! The Christian County Trumpet is proud as a peacock to sit ringside. Extra! Extra! We thrive on this stuff! Here’s the two…
Part 3: Missouri hick goes alone to Mardi Gras New Orleans!
Rural Missouri hick gets a taste of New Orleans Mardi Gras all by his lonesome!
Here’s your chance to make a difference now
OZARK, MO — Do you know a kid? Think about the kids you know. Think about the world they’re growing up in. My 13-year-old son is in 7th grade. He said to me recently, “I already know the kids who are going to use drugs. They’ve already told me they’re planning to do it.” He…
Part 2: New Orleans Mardi Gras solo trip
I went to New Orleans by myself and came back with more money than I spent.
I went to New Orleans Mardi Gras season by myself
NEW ORLEANS, LA — I went to New Orleans Mardi Gras season by myself last week. My wife was visiting her family in Colorado, and I wanted a change of scenery. My son and I enjoyed Sunday evening Feb. 12, as many folks did, watching Super Bowl LVII. The game was memorable, even if you…
Fragile dance to the MO governor’s mansion
SPRINGFIELD, MO — On a Friday night at the University Plaza Hotel, I stumble across a political gathering. I’ll call it the “fragile dance to the Missouri Governor’s mansion” among other things. It involves free food and drink. I don’t even have to wear a suit or a nametag like those who had to pay…
Christian County Treasurer now leaks secrets to the CCT!
OZARK, MO — Few, if any, current publications have the savvy to solicit such juicy details! Yes, the winningest Christian County Treasurer in modern history now leaks secrets to the Christian County Trumpet. Secrets too delicious to hide! Warning to you unbelievers out there… Many of you will read this and think “impossible.” And yet,…
Exclusive interview: CCT now catches up with Dr. Bauman!
BREAKING NEWS OZARK, MO — The CCT caught up with Dr. Chris Bauman for an exclusive interview recently! Our publisher caught a glimpse of something white and round in the produce isle at the Ozark Price Cutter just the other day. Thinking it odd that a cantaloupe could move on its own, our man quickly…
Phillips Pharmacy is now celebrating 2 years!
SPARTA, MO — Phillips Pharmacy is now celebrating 2 years in business serving the Sparta community. Libby Phillips, pharmacist, operates the business from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday. Wow, that’s a lot of commitment. Most people don’t understand what it’s like being tied to…