Blog Posts
It’s not what you know. It’s what you learn.
Storm now leaves area looking like a war zone!
Ozark, MO — A nighttime summer storm battered trees, downed power lines, and left Christian County looking like a war zone before daybreak July 31. Christian County Trumpet captured the following photos of the mayhem!
WW2 film shot in Sparta, Missouri now released Aug. 4
Story by Greta Cross, Springfield News-Leader SPARTA, MO — A World War II feature flm shot entirely in Sparta, MO last year will be released Aug. 4 on Amazon Prime and other outlets. Set in central Italy, a new historical fiction film about World War II was shot entirely in southwest Missouri. “REVEILLE” is based…
Bring Your Popcorn to Courtroom Drama Now!
OzARK, MO — Not sure if popcorn will be allowed, but if you’re up for a good courtroom drama, come see The City of Sparta vs. Johnny Rooster at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, July 20 in Judge Doug Bacon’s courtroom in Ozark, MO. Courtroom Drama Plaintiff Former Sparta Mayor Jenni Davis, known for being dramatic and…
Ozark School Board censures one of their own!
GUEST COLUMN The Ozark School Board just issued a public censure to one of their own. Wow! For an organization that swears they must always march in lockstep, never displaying the slightest hint of anything less than complete solidarity, this was a startling move. What terrible misconduct could have justified this? The current board president’s…
Ozark School Board shames one of their own!
Ozark School Board member Christina Tonsing gets reprimanded for reaching out to the public for input.
Perversion of Justice Part 2: Screen shots now don’t lie!
Part 2 of a perversion of justice involving Sparta police.
Perversion of justice now strikes in Sparta!
SPARTA, MO — A perversion of justice strikes as the former mayor of Sparta weaponized the police force against Christian County Trumpet Publisher Johnny Rooster allegedly because of an article posted she claims cost her the election in April. Curious about the article the former mayor is up in arms about? Read it here!!! Additionally,…
Voting records of the Supreme Court vs. Ozark School Board
The US Supreme Court votes unanimously 60 percent of the time. But Ozark votes unanimously much more.
How do Good Men Turn Evil?
GUEST COLUMN Becoming Evil How do good men turn evil? Or how do they become comfortable committing evil acts? Don’t they recognize those acts are evil? Don’t they recognize that they become what they do? Countless historical anecdotes, including those documented in such books as James Waller’s “Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and…
Moon and Hudson now score crucial victory!
JEFF CITY, MO — The Ozarks Conservatives, led by Mike Moon and Brad Hudson, squeaked by a narrow victory over the Jeff City DemRinos in the final quarter of a nail-biting shootout in the state capital last Wednesday. Coach Mike Parson made the final call, signing the agreement that because of Moon and Hudson’s prowess…
The Most Powerful Man in Town
Guest Editorial (not written by the CCT and not connected to the CCT)Who is the most powerful person in your community? The mayor? The police chief? The CEO of a major corporation? Here are several possibilities:a) The guy who runs the corporation with the largest budgetb) The guy who runs the corporation with the most…
Ozark Diploma Mills Now Exposed!
Guest Editorial (not written by CCT) You’ve heard of “diploma mills,” right? Those educational institutions that are more determined to ensure you get a diploma than that you get an education. Sadly, it appears that this phenomenon is no longer isolated to an occasional school here or there. Since school quality ratings are a function,…
Now what could go right?
Ozark School Board, from left, Aaron Johns, Christina Tonsing, Patty Quessenberry, Sarah Adams-Orr, Amber Bryant, Mark Jenkins, Guy Callaway. (photo courtesy of Guest column by Dave Cort, Ozark School Support Team Well, the new school board, elected on a platform of change, is off to a great start. As a first order of business,…
Meet the new board — same as the old board
GUEST COLUMN by Dave Cort, Ozark School Support Team (OSST) I recently witnessed an MSBA (Missouri School Board Association) “training session” for new school board members. The gist of this training was to teach new school board members to become just like the old school board members. It was very effective and I can imagine…
Why teachers resign (Guest Column)
Teachers sometimes resign when they don’t want to. Why do they do this? I can’t answer for all others, but I can offer insight into one reason innocent teachers sometimes resign. It’s like this . . . Once a teacher is tenured, the Missouri Teacher Tenure Act protects them against arbitrary firing. They can’t be…
You won’t believe what Ozark School is doing to a former teacher!
OZARK, MO — I was recently blocked from emailing anyone in the school district. I can’t email my daughters’ teachers. I can’t email their coaches and activity sponsors. I can’t email their principals, assistant principals, or counselors. I can’t email district administrators and staff. I can’t even email school board members. I wasn’t informed I…
Missouri Senate discusses allowing Chinese Commies to buy property in MO?!
I was listening to Nick Reed on KSGF yesterday morning. He was interviewing a state senator who’s name I didn’t catch. They were talking about a bill before the Senate that would decide whether or not to sell Missouri rural property to our enemies in China, Russia or other anti-American countries. That should be a…
Guess what this guy does for a living?
A. Truck Driver B. Barstool Maker C. Dog Poop Shoveler D. Bowling Pro VILLAGE INN, OZARK, MO— Mrs. Rooster and I come breezing in at the top of the hill on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Kathy and David (pronounced Dah-VEED) greet us like returning heroes. (At Village Inn, everyone is treated like royalty!) “Two today?”…
Sparta MO’s legendary racing story now uncovered!
CORNER STORIES Leggin’ It to Drag City: A Race Rig’s Journey Home The following article is taken from a May 22, 2019 publication from On May 10th, glass etcher Joe Benham and I were working at my renovation project next to the Standin’ on the Corner Park, blasting some old lettering off the windows, when around eight…