Ozark school board candidate now publicly lying about fellow candidates!

OZARK, MO — Ozark school board candidate Joey L. Mills is now publicly lying about two fellow candidates.

The following is taken from his Facebook page:

Joey L. Mills

Elect Joey Mills for Ozark School Board

Of the six school board candidates, Ralph, Amber, Guy, and I have been actively supporting, volunteering, advocating, and working for the school district for years. Amber, Guy, and I have kids enrolled in the district. Ralph and Guy have grandchildren in the district.*** (see side note below)

I have been substitute teaching in the district. I am an Ozark graduate who has watched the district grow and change over the years.

Four of us have real stakes in the district and have been putting in the work.

One candidate has only been here a handful of years, has no real connection to the district, couldn’t be bothered to research a question about public education bills currently being discussed in Jefferson City when he had the list of questions for weeks ahead of time, and his campaign is fueled by individuald [sic] and organizations that want to dismantle public education. They picked a good candidate for that.

The sixth candidate is a former homeschool mom, a professor at a private college (both honorable, but neither the animal that is public education in the 21st century. Instead of working to support the district, she has spent the past couple of years trying to sow division and attack the district’s reputation. Her campaign, too, is supported by those same interests beyond Ozark that want to push their anti-public school agenda.

Research the candidates and vote for three candidates that have proven their passion and support for the district over the years.

CCT response to publicly lying candidate

When have Anthony Petrosino or Christina Tonsing ever indicated they want to “dismantle public education” or “push an anti-public school agenda???”

When citizens are muzzled at public meetings (example Sigi Hill) and not allowed to voice legitimate, documented concerns of tyranny and abuses of power by current school administration (example: Major Danny Cazier, Tom Swift, Shelly Pettit and Mrs. B) how is that anti-public school? How does that dismantle public education?

Joey thinks Christina is attacking the district’s reputation. SHE AIN’T THE ONLY ONE! THE DISTIRCT’S REPUTATION IS DIRTY AND BETTER BE ATTACKED!!!

Publicly lying Joey is actually a good-hearted guy…

He’s not all lies and accusations. Joey has some interesting ways to appeal to the voters. At least he comes across as a righteous defender of the underprivileged. (After all, who could put actual donation money into a political campaign while there are hungry kids out there?)

The following is from his page on Facebook:

Joey L. Mills

March 8 at 12:21 PM  · 

I’ve had people ask if they can contribute to my campaign for school board. Here’s the deal… take whatever amount you were thinking of donating, make that check out to Care to Learn – Ozark and send it to the district office. I can’t justify spending money on a campaign when there are kids in the district that need food, toiletries, and other basic necessities.

I get that signs and banners can create some name recognition, but I don’t believe that taking a shotgun approach is an effective way to reach and inform voters. I’d rather get in a room with voters and have a discussion. Even a time-limited forum like last night’s can only accomplish so much. The needs of our students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and tax payers deserve more than one minute, sound bite type responses.

So, how can you help?

1) Vote on April 4th. Seems obvious, but April elections typically have low turnout. Everything your candidates are doing now means nothing if you don’t show up to the polls.

2) Tell other voters in the school district who you are voting for and why (and maybe even who you refuse to vote for and why not). Word of mouth is a much more effective approach than dropping one more campaign sign in a sea of signs.

3) Put me in a room to talk with voters. If you are part of a civic, social, fraternal, or other group, I’d love to come talk with you and the other members of your group. If you live in a neighborhood full of voters and have access to a club house, pool house, or even want to invite your neighbors into your homes, I’d be happy to come to where you and the voters are and talk.

Thank you to everyone who has offered your support. Let’s make this happen!

Conclusion: I truly like Joey as a person

I actually like Joey. He’s warm and compassionate as a person. However, he’s the one candidate that will turn the already corrupt school board in favor of Dr. Chris Bauman’s toxic agenda.

***Side note: Guy Callaway looks way too young to have grandchildren in the district. Perhaps “Blue Suede Shoes” knows something about the fountain of youth?

Grandpa Guy???

21900cookie-checkOzark school board candidate now publicly lying about fellow candidates!