Opinion on School Spankings

Cassville R-IV School District in SW MO approved a spanking option for discipline (photo courtesy of CCT Screenshot Services)

CASSVILLE, MO — “Spare the rod and spoil the child!” (That phrase was used in the good ol’ days before the Internet messed up parents)… but when you say the phrase, you gotta put your hair in a tight bun if you’re a woman, and slide reading glasses down to the end of your nose, and wave your crooked, arthritis-riddled finger in the recipients’ face for dramatic effect!

If you’re a man, brandish a preferred hickory stick, bamboo switch, or wooden paddle as you say it, puffing out your chest and twisting the end of your enormous mustache!

All kidding aside, the CCT thinks school districts offering an option based on parents’ opinions and input is exactly what should be done. It’s not mandatory. It’s voluntary to have your child undergo corporal punishment as a last resort in Cassville. That’s a good thing!

We’re just happy parents actually want to use corporal punishment as an option, rather than sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on, or helplessly standing by with no enforcement. The newly installed policy states punishment is up to 3 swats for older students, and one or two whacks for younger. Much milder than some of my whoopin’s as a youngster. I recall how I dreaded when Dad got home and found out what I’d done. At least, it kept me from having to keep falling back into my folly. The Bible, in Proverbs, speaks a lot about a fool in his folly.

And as a recipient of corporal punishment, both at school (my dad was principal of a Christian School, so yeah, I had my turn a time or two) and at home (same dad, same “principle” notice the spelling change!) I believe it was a valuable way to reinforce the importance of following the rules and not behaving like a bafoon!!

I’d also like to see a lot of liberal instructors and administrators submit to the “swat team” and bend over for their turn when they try to warp students into thinking wrong is right.

Nothing more disgusting than a perverted instructor or administrator at any school…

“Bend over, Professor!

To Spank or not to Spank?
Artwork courtesy of CCT
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