Nixa’s Naughty Book List X rated Version

NIXA, MO— Books in school libraries are for learning, right?

But what are the kids potentially learning in the Nixa High School Library?

In the Spring of 2022, a group of Nixa moms discovered inappropriate books in Springfield school libraries after reading articles by Christopher F. Rufo, a filmmaker and Conservative political activist ( That discovery lead them to their own childrens’ school in Nixa.

And they were livid at what they found.

The moms formed a group called Concerned Parents of Nixa but later changed their name to Concerned Parents of the Ozarks (you can find them on Facebook!)

Lo and behold, the group did a little research and found sexually explicit and inappropriate books were not just in big, bad Springfield. Uh-oh.

They found 16 distasteful and downright disgusting books in the Nixa School Library. Yes. NIXA. Conservative, God-fearing, right-leaning Nixa.

Yowzers, wowzers.

“I don’t think taxpayers dollars need to be used for this kind of material,” Jenn Rosebrock, mother of three Nixa Schools children (she recently pulled her oldest out of Nixa), told the Christian County Trumpet.

Just what kind of material is she referring to?

Well, it’s not nice, so if you don’t like this sort of thing, use your discretion.

FUN HOME by Alison Bechdel

A page from the comic book yanked from Nixa High School Library amid parental protests depicted female on female oral sex.


Pictures from the book that was in the Nixa School Library

When parents voiced concerns about the books, they said library staff were not sympathetic and were unwilling to remove any of them. Likewise, the school board was reluctant to take a stand.

Concerned Parents tried, but failed, to get the sexually explicit books removed.

The parents group went to the school board in April 2022, but said they were not successful getting a response until they filed a form for a formal review by an outside group. After that review, 2 books were banned:

Book #1:

“FUN HOME” the lesbian and anti-God comic book

and …

Book #2:

“ALL BOYS AREN’T BLUE” which depicts and describes graphic male homosexuality and sexual abuse.

Because of the newfound awareness by parents, a long-term school board member was defeated in the April school board election by a mom who wants to stand up for keeping certain things out of Nixa Schools.

What certain things, you may ask?

The mom who won the school board seat was outspoken in her campaign against “culturally responsive teaching”. What is Culturally Responsive Teaching? A euphemism for Critical Race Theory and its racist categorizing of groups of people, that’s what!

What passes for “cultural awareness” is really racism against all people by categorizing and polarizing them based on things they can’t control, such as skin color.

Beware of them fancy buzz words, folks.

Back to the Books

MEANWHILE…The majority of the other 14 naughty books were put on restriction, even though the concerned parents wanted them removed. “One of the books I personally reviewed had rape scenes, masturbation, coerced sex, and more,” Jenn Rosebrock said. “But they didn’t pull it.”

Restricted. NOT removed.

Jenn wonders if a restricted status will trigger student interest in the forbidden material. Will they be highlighted in some secret corner of the library like porno mags behind gas station counters in the days before the Internet?

Nixa High School Librarian Sheila Michaels, a graduate of Evangel University told the Trumpet, “We have not gotten direction on that yet from our administration,” in response to the question of what will happen to the restricted books.

Jenn Rosebrock said the Concerned Parents group isn’t about to let up. “We’ll keep a close watch on the outcome of these books, and let everyone know,” she declared. We’re with you, Jenn!

Ponder This…

Parents shouldn’t have to fight for their children’s morality in front of school officials. But I’m glad they are in Nixa!

The CCT will keep you posted!

Join Concerned Parents of the Ozarks on Facebook!

READER’S NOTICE: This article is based on opinion. The Christian County Trumpet welcomes conservative opinions.

500cookie-checkNixa’s Naughty Book List X rated Version

6 thoughts on “Nixa’s Naughty Book List X rated Version

  1. The quotations from the Nixa Librarian is made up and pulled from thin air. Please do your due diligence and at least report your “informative” statements correctly. Your opinions? Say what you wish. But do not put words in other people’s mouths. It’s just a way to discredit yourself.

    1. Elizabeth Dudash-Buskirk,
      Thank you for your comments and concerns. We care about where tax dollars go in Nixa and want to see the best for the students! It’s apparent you do as well! We have amended the article, and we value your continued input! Keep reading the Trumpet!

  2. Parents may choose of their own children read these books, but they may not make that choice for my children. I smell a lawsuit in the air.

    1. Janicia,
      We appreciate your concerns. What tax dollars are used for in our school libraries matters. Parents need to have input on all things! Keep reading the Trumpet and we welcome your ideas for topics of interest to taxpayers and voters in Christian County!
      Christian County Trumpet Team

  3. Are you an actual journalist? I thought this was an article from the onion when I first saw it. Not only is this article poorly written, it’s full of lies and, quite possibly, slander. You’ve misquoted the librarian, used a parent who doesn’t even have children in the district (Jenifer Rosebrock), shown your own lack of understanding on policy by claiming that the librarians refused to pull the challenged books. Bridget is, at the very least manipulative and conniving and has possibly committed campaign fraud by fear mongering and doing the bidding of her campaign donors.

    This paragraph here is complete bullshit!
    Concerned Parents tried, but failed, to get the sexually explicit books removed. The librarians’ response was “you all are just anti left wing politics”… until they saw the dirty pictures in the books. Then, they started feeling a little less willing to defend the smut.

    1. Tamara,
      We thank you for your concerns and have amended the article in question. Have a fantastic day and thank you for reading the Christian County Trumpet!

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