Nixa School Board president demonstrates how to accomplish nothing!

NIXA, MO — Nixa School Board President Josh Roberts did exactly the same thing and accomplished nothing regarding a high school library book review. Wow! Amazing!

Speaking of books, here is how Josh Roberts’ book might go if he wrote one:

How to Accomplish Nothing

by Josh Roberts, Nixa School Board President

  1. Hold a vote in June on a questionable book in the school library
  2. Give the board THREE choices, not TWO, in the vote (ex. 1. remove the book 2. restrict the book 3. keep the book)
  3. When 3 board members vote to REMOVE the book, 2 vote to RESTRICT, and 2 vote to KEEP, don’t do anything until next month
  4. Take a vote the next month, but this time, one of the members voting to REMOVE the book is absent
  5. When the vote the second time is 3 to REMOVE, 1 to RESTRICT, and 2 to KEEP, take another vote without further discussion or clarification
  6. Take a duplicate vote immediately to ensure you’ve used up your maximum 3 votes on an issue
  7. When the third and final vote is identical to the second vote, use the first vote as reason to dismiss all further discussion and go back to the original KEEP IT AS IS suggestion by a committee.


Great book, Josh. Hope you sell a bunch of them. It should be a reference manual for all government.

Hidden camera captures behind the scenes!

For a further look, our CCT spy cam captured the behind the scenes during the July board vote! Check it out here.

30290cookie-checkNixa School Board president demonstrates how to accomplish nothing!