OZARK, MO— Jamie Ray Gragg was a street performer at an amusement park, but he’ll be elected State Representative on Tuesday, November 8.
We ain’t gonna call names here, but you’d be a dufus to think that Jamie Ray Gragg won’t win the November General election for the 140th State Representative District. Oops, we called a name there, erm, forgive us… our editor doesn’t have a lot of social skills…
Our prediction is based solely on numbers. (And bias!) Total Republican votes in the 140th State Representative primary race in August was more than 5,000… and Jamie Ray snagged 3,000 plus of those, even with a Republican challenger. Amy Freeland got all the Democratic votes, unopposed. 799.
Um, we could round it up to 800, but she still won’t win in November.
NEWS FLASH! Liberals can’t whup conservatives in Christian County Missouri in 2022
That doesn’t mean liberal Dems don’t try, sometimes. Not sure why, but they can hope, I guess.
Who is Jamie Ray Gragg?
Jamie Ray Gragg, 52, is a resident of Ozark, Missouri. He has his own business, Ozark Mountaintops and Artwork. Like Santa’s elves, he makes wooden toys.

But before that, he was a well-known and well-loved street character performer/hospitality host at Silver Dollar City in Branson. He used the name Justin (Nutt) Case, from 2004 to 2015.
But now, the entertainer who makes wooden toys is setting his sights on more serious stuff… improving Missouri laws to reflect more conservative values. His motivation is to squash the onslaught of “woke” culture creeping up like a balding, middle-aged guy in a trench coat hungrily watching school children from a 1982 Dodge utility van.
Jamie Ray doesn’t like that creepy woke guy. He wants to protect children, from the time of conception all the way through to adulthood.

Amy Freeland, his Democratic opponent, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood, who had this to say about Amy on her website:
“You have clearly demonstrated your commitment to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and to Planned Parenthood’s mission, services, and the families Planned Parenthood serves. For that, we are sincerely grateful and we look forward to your work in elected office so you can continue to defend against the attacks on reproductive health care AND support a common sense focus on expanding access to preventive health care.”
—Yamelsie Rodriguez, President and CEO, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri

Baby killer propaganda graphic

She’s also got “atta-girl” pats on the back from the #VoteProChoice crowd on her website.
Jamie Ray defends all life. “A baby is a baby from conception, not from the moment it exits the birth canal,” he told the CCT. Clearly, a guy who cares about individual rights over people’s feelings.

Babies are cute! Many grow up to be amazing members of society. None of them becomes a turnip, a tree, or a turtle.
Feelings… nothing more than feelings
The difference between Republicans and Democrats, Jamie says, are “Democrats are more about people’s feelings. Republicans are more about God-given Constitutional rights.”
“Everybody’s feelings are different,” Jamie says. “If you run with how people feel, you break into subgroups and ultimately break down the barriers to segregation that we’ve worked so hard to establish.”
Feelings-based people are breaking into subgroups, he continues. “We’re falling back into a splintered society. We need people with good morals, good values to step up.”
Why did you run for state representative?
Jamie explains his decision to run for State Rep.
“My ‘fed up meter’ is full. It’s red lined,” Jamie admitted to our illustrious CCT editor.

Here’s what’s got his fed up meter peaking…
Anti-family propaganda in schools (teaching that there are more than 2 genders, promoting gender fluidity, etc.)
Abortion rights.
Jamie Ray will be elected in November, and start his 2 -year term in January.
“I’ll learn what legislation to support, and after I get familiar, what I can introduce to get passed.”
Wish list for new state representative
He plans to introduce himself to all 162 fellow state house members, to learn how they think and vote, and even the senators, because a better connection with all state lawmakers will prove useful.
Jamie hopes to get on the Childhood and Family Committee and Education Committee.
“Families and Education are huge passions of mine,” he says.
2 responses to “Street character now to be 140th District State Representative”
Jamie Ray Gragg is an honest man who will be a great legislator for us in the 140th District, the eastern side of Christian County!
We need more like him! He’s a breath of fresh air!