A friend of mine posted a video talking about something the recent controversy over entertainment at a Christian men’s conference overlooked: pole dancers and sex workers are now welcome in the church!
Many of us have pasts we aren’t always proud of. Most of us want to look good to others. But God sees us for who we are — no matter who we are — and He loves us unconditionally.
Like my friend who posted the video, I, too, welcome anyone at the church I attend. It’s not MY church. It’s not my PASTOR’S. It’s God’s church. Church is the Body of Christ and is supposed to be symbolic of the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
What does that mean?
For starters, the church must carry out the work and mission of Jesus. Love one another. That phrase is in the Bible more times than I can count. A popular song in the last century had the lyrics, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.”
One response to “New truth: Pole dancers, sex workers are now welcome in the church!”
What a great testimony! It was inspiring and I love that song from long ago. I found a great video for that and if it gets accepted here, I’ll share it with you and whoever else may see it: https://youtu.be/cfg5VTyDkyA?si=ceOWp375lxtXqn_C