New leg, new outlook for Presiding Commissioner

OZARK, MO — Christian County Presiding Commissioner Lynn Morris had his left leg amputated below the knee after a nasty Brown recluse bite infected him in May. Click here for background story.

Now, at 75, the county official and retired pharmacist is determined to walk again once his new prosthetic leg arrives in the near future.

“I’m trying out an artificial leg today,” Morris told the CCT on Monday, Sept. 23. “But the one specifically designed for me comes later.” Morris said his wife, Janet, 70, will be as relieved as he will be to get out the wheelchair.

“It’s a lot of extra work for both of us.”

Speaking of work, Morris continues to spend hours and hours in county related business, serving the public at his normal relentless pace. Between mouthfuls of chili and celery sticks, and swallows of Diet Coke, Morris sat in his wheelchair at the conference table in the commissioners’ chambers on the first floor of the historic county courthouse in Ozark Monday afternoon. A ramp was installed to accommodate him at meetings (see photo below).

Presiding Commissioner Lynn Morris at table (ramp on right) CCT Photo

It’s rumored the one-legged commissioner outworks the other two-legged commissioners, but you didn’t hear that from us!

Because of his loss of a limb earlier this year, Morris is focused on improving the public restrooms in the courthouse. He allocated $17,000 from the budget for automatic doors, bars, and other necessary equipment for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

In addition, another $20,000 has been donated for improvements around the gazebo on the west lawn of the courthouse for public gatherings to have ADA wheelchair access.

The steps of the historic courthouse fan out like a deck of cards, leaving narrow spaces and treacherous ups and downs for those brave enough to traverse them.

Your fearless CCT Reporter hustled up the spooky stairwell and got a picture from above:

Spooky narrow stairway at historic county courthouse in Ozark, MO/CCT Photo

Morris still works in his upstairs office (thankful for the elevator!) He enjoys serving the public, but now, more than ever, he is determined to inspire people who face physical challenges. “I don’t want to be a quitter; I want to set the example of hope and determination.”

What matters even more than serving the county, getting ADA compliance, or even inspiring people facing loss of a limb, is the hope he has in Jesus Christ.

“I don’t know what I’d do without the hope of my salvation through Jesus Christ my Lord,” he said, eyes misting. “It gives me hope to know that whatever happens in this life, the next life is going to be so much better.”

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