Morris: Citizens should now decide how county libraries are run

By Johnny Rooster, opinion column

NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this editorial are necessarily those of the publisher.

OZARK, MO — Libraries should be run how the people in the community want it run, not how some library director wants. So says Christian County Presiding Commissioner Lynn Morris.

Sounds reasonable.

But that ain’t how it’s been done in the past, no siree. Not here in Christian Couty. The library executive director has called the shots, and she’s used to doing so. Her name is Renee Brumett. The previous county presiding commissioner, Ralph Phillips, let her do whatever she wanted. When it came time to elect new library board of trustee members, Renee put in the peeps she liked.

But the peeps on the board were too left wing and liberal for the peeps in the county. At least, I’d say 75 percent of people in Christian County are conservative, and that leaves 25 percent who, well, are the library mindset from the past.

So, with the new Presiding Commissioner, came new ways. Legal ways. You know, the state statue clearly says the commission has authority over the library board decisions, not the director.

So now they follow the law. They elect library board members selected by the people.

And now, the liberals are mad. Including the director. And, the former library board president, Matthew Suarez. He’s unseated now that there has been an election of the people. He’s calling for a Sunshine Law request to find out if the county did something they shouldn’t. Sour grapes.

But at least the county residents got what the majority was interested in. Non liberal, non “woke” library board members.

Another board member is due for election next year. It’s gonna happen again.

Oh, the liberals are crying. They are mad. They blasted on Reddit about it. Waaaaah….

I love reporting the real news!

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