Major Danny has some questions

MAJOR DANNY (illustration by CCT artist)

Hello, class, my name is Major Danny and I have a few questions for the school board and administration at Ozark High School, where I was recently forced to resign.

Since they don’t wanna talk to me, could you please forward these questions to them?

Major Danny’s Heretofore Unanswered Q’s

  1. Has the Board heard Maj. Danny’s side of the story? (NO)
  2. Has the Board provided to Maj. Danny the info on his case that they propose to release to the public? (NOPE)
  3. Has Maj. Danny requested the School District’s side of the story? (Yes)
  4. Has he been provided it? (Negative)
  5. If the school claims to Maj. Danny they can’t release info about his case even to him, how can they claim the district would release the TRUTH about him to the public (if only he would allow it?) (No answer, only crickets)
  6. Why wouldn’t the district meet with Maj. Danny after he repeatedly asked? (crickets again)
  7. Why did the Board decline to meet with Maj. Danny? (Oh, oh, I know this one! They’re told not to by Chris Bauman, the super!!! He’s in charge, not them!)
  8. When Maj. Danny alleges the admins are malicious, distorted, completely fabricated, how can the Board be certain— without hearing him— that what you’ve been told by admin is reliable? (uncomfy silence)
  9. Why did the Board refuse to hold Maj. Danny’s hearing, in defiance of state law and Board policy? (gulp, gulp, Board members look at watches and each other, then look down and pretend to scribble notes)
  10. Did the District have authority to forbid him from ALL interaction with District students, even extra-curricular???? (sit down and shut up, Danny boy, we don’t like in our playground!)
  11. Would you meet with Maj. Danny to discuss his concerns about how his case was handled? Well, would you?

We’re waiting for your answers, Ozark School Board! tick, tock, tick, tock…

2570cookie-checkMajor Danny has some questions

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