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How to vote on election day Nov. 8

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You have found the place to get your MO conservative voter guide and understand the ballot!

A popular advertisement asked, “What’s in YOUR wallet?”

But now, Christian County (MO) voters are asking, “What’s in YOUR ballot?”

Christian County MO voters, here is your ballot sample.

With election day fast approaching (Tuesday, November 8, 2022) there are the usual ad campaigns for this candidate or that issue.

Here’s a link to the Missouri Ballot Measures. They are listed and somewhat explained there. And more info here from the secretary of state.


Okay, obviously the signatures to get this on the ballot were circulating rampantly on college campuses and inner cities. Gotcha.

Basically, Missourians now have to tell on themselves. Do I want people smoking pot and applying to get out of jail for pot possession charges?

The cops are tired. They don’t wanna cop more than they have to. What a cop out.

Sorry. Can’t help it.

I’m in a feisty mood.

But for real, why would a decent state like Missouri sink to pandering to potheads?

Simple. For the money. They wanna slap a 6% tax on joint smoking. They say right on the ballot that it’ll kick in more than $13 mil for local governments every year. Where will that money go? To local politicians.

So if you like to party, you like to get high, skip work, act crazy, disrespect your parents or grandparents, and want to line the pockets of local politicians, go for it.

Everybody I hear yelling about how great weed smoking is is in a bar or on a campus. Eggheads, if you ask me.

I like sane, sober and helpful people running and working for businesses that serve the public. Call me old-fashioned.

I’m a real party pooper, but Imma vote HELL NO on dis one.


Every 20 years, Missouri voters decide whether they want to hold a state convention to see if they can amend the state constitution.

Here’s How it works:

A group of delegates (not government officials) are voted on to decide who will represent each district (a Democrat and a Republican). The delegates who win the election get together to decide if certain items need to be changed in the state constitution.


Missouri hasn’t voted to hold a constitutional state convention since World War 2, back in 1942.


Missouri has one of the LONGEST worded State Constitutions, like, in the top 5. It’s so much longer than that U.S. Consitution, it makes the feds look efficient! Dang!


A. You are a liberal and want to change strict abortion restrictions in Missouri

B. You are a conservative and want to pass a balanced budget Amendment

Both sound appealing to their respective activists. In reality, can we ever get two opposing sides to agree on anything?

So, why bother? Just stick to voting for stuff you want and against stuff you don’t want. Simple. If a Convention of States helped balance the budget, who’s to say the budget won’t be screwed up by politicians on both sides anyway?

And if you want women to have the right to abortion, move to Illinois! Cuz here in MO, we like our babies breathing, thank you!


Normally I say NO to more spending but check it out: this one will have ZERO impact on my taxes! I want police to be able to do their job more effectively, although I don’t want ’em profiling older white guys with intact senses of humor, just sayin’.

KC politics are corrupt. Sorry but no.


They are asking us if we want the National Guard to be it’s own agency.

Sounds good on paper, since no taxes involved, but here’s the thing to consider:

Do we want to give any Governor the power to have his own military? That’s what the fine print indicates. Could go South in a hurry in the hands of the wrong kind of Governor.


Should we allow the State Treasurer to expand investments? A yes vote is cool for “good” conservative treasurers, but what if the treasurer is a crook?

I like that we want the state to have better options, but sometimes they get power hungry and self serving.

When in doubt, don’t give power to politicians. Vote NO, but I will still be your friend if you vote YES (just don’t tell me). Besides, I don’t really have a strong opinion because it doesn’t affect our taxes!

What are YOUR thoughts on the Missouri Ballot Proposals? Vote early and often! LOL! Just kidding, one vote, one voice, no dead people or live animals should be allowed to vote (this time).

10650cookie-checkHow to vote on election day Nov. 8