Haralson’s campaign funding woes now leaked!

OZARK, MO — Remember “I Love Lucy?” The 1950s comedy TV hit where Ricky Riccardo could hear of his wife, Lucy’s, antics and shenanigans. He’d boom in his Cuban accent, “Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!”

Lucille Ball, left and Desi Arnaz, right, in the hit TV series “I Love Lucy”/Internet photo

In reality, Desi Arnaz’s character, Ricky Ricardo, never actually uttered those words. But it’s in our memories.

In more recent memories, perhaps Senate District 29 Republican Candidate Susan Haralson of Ozark, Missouri, will have some “‘splainin'” to do to the Missouri Ethics Commission.

The Christian County Trumpet recently uncovered some oddly high figures on Haralson’s public campaign funding disclosure made available online by the MEC.

Numbers that defy the rules, which state no candidate shall receive more than $2,400 from an individual in campaign contributions. (This is separate from a Political Action Committee.)

One of the donors has a listed amount of $18,000. A big no-no.

Other curious figures in Haralson’s campaign funding include some pretty steep fees paid to her campaign manager, former Ozark Mayor Rick Gardner, who is on tap to receive $20,000 for his services since late April.

Another top payee is Kathy Haralson (Susan’s relative) scheduled to receive $15,000. Wow.

Where does Haralson get all her money?

Susan Haralson/image from her campaign site

Susan Haralson is co-owner of Premier Home Health Care, a company with multiple locations catering to the needs of the elderly. Sources say Haralson’s company has collected millions in federal tax dollars over the years, raising suspicions regarding the high funding of her current political campaign.

As a newcomer to politics, Haralson is throwing a lot of money around. She has reimbursed herself in more than $27,000 in campaign expenses, according to a recent MEC report.

Candidates have every right to spend what they want on their campaign. It’s just curious that Haralson gets so much from federal funding and has a bunch of bucks to pay people. Why does she have to collect more than the legal amount from certain donors? Is the money being circulated behind the scenes?

A source told the CCT the MEC is expected to follow up on Haralson’s campaign funding. We’ll keep you posted!

The primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 6. Haralson is running against incumbent Republican Mike Moon.

District 29 State Senate Candidate Susan Haralson might

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