Grim Sparta politics truth now

Burt Whaley, right, addresses the audience in Sparta July 18/CCT Photo

SPARTA, MO — A “Burt Whaley for state rep” supporter was waiting for me as I entered the Sparta Library to set up for the community’s first ever political candidate forum.

He and his wife were helpful in setting up chairs and tables for the event. However, his words and tone were prickly.

“You need to be fair,” was the gist of his words. “Your article on Tom Franiak was unfair to Burt Whaley. You need to give Whaley a fair interview, like you did with Franiak. I need to know if you’re going to be a true journalist or just a biased hack.”

Those weren’t the exact words. He meant well. But he was upset. “I’m not asking for an endorsement; I just want you to be fair,” he said over and over.

Ok, Whaley fan. I’ll be fair. Fair to you and graciously withhold your name from this article. But here’s my response. At the meeting, I indicated I’d be reaching out to Burt Whaley in the spirit of journalism.

And yes, I’m a journalist. I have a journalism degree and was a newspaper reporter in Ozark and other Missouri newspapers before the internet reared its anti-paper-and-ink head.

But, I’m not working for a newspaper anymore. I don’t have a boss. I can say what I want.

Here’s what I want to say.

Two officeholders were referenced in my article about the two candidates running for the 138th State Representative District, which includes Sparta, Chadwick, Bruner, and Oldfield in Christian County, and most of Stone County. It’s a weird district based on population. Weird because geographically, it’s spread out among a lower population, not condensed like the district to the west of me, where Ozark and all the population density is. That’s the district of Jamie Gragg, and he gets all the attention, and the political ice cream socials, and the CCRCC, and MRNNCCAAA, and the double AA, triple AA, CCC DDDD BBB ZZZ groups and all that Republican stuff and official recognition hoopla.

So, me? I’m Johnny Rooster. I started a blog for news, entertainment, and opinion (mine!) and while I still welcome other people to write in their stuff, the few who have in the past either lost steam for their passion project or they got mad at me for being of a different opinion.

But, Mr. Whaley Supporter, feel free to write about your candidate and I will gladly publish it here in the Christian County Trumpet under your name.

My response to Burt Whaley supporter

First of all, granting Burt Whaley an interview isn’t what I’ll do. Here’s why. I never interviewed Tom Franiak. I never quoted him in my previous article you referenced. The article is linked below.

Secondly, I’m not trying to be fair and journalistic. I’m trying to get the truth out there. Your candidate, Burt Whaley, may likely win the election. He is a new guy. So is his opponent. So, it’s up for grabs. No name recognition. (Not that our goofy, back roads district has name recognition for the current Rep. Brad Hudson.)

I was commenting on what two current office holders are saying in confidence about Burt Whaley and Tom Franiak. So, it’s not me saying it; it’s them. If office holders told me the opposite, that they favored Whaley over Franiak, that’s how it would have read. It’s not about me.

Furthermore: I heard Tom Franiak talking to Sparta business owners about seeking funding for natural gas and mentioned that in my article that you got so cross about. Well, shoot, here comes Whaley, at the Sparta meeting, answering your staged question, yes you, Mr. Supporter, asking him about natural gas. An obvious sound bite question. Burt looked like he was fishing for the right sound bite, but it never happened. He obviously knows nothing about the natural gas issue. He wants to come across to show his support of natural gas funding for Sparta from Jeff City. He doesn’t know how to get that done; he’s just echoing a positive topic generated by his opponent.

Come up with new material on your own.

Don’t just say, “I’m a conservative, Christian, veteran.” Say something original about your role as a state representative.

After the Sparta political event hosted by the Christian County Trumpet, and sponsored by Papa John’s and Village Inn, the Whaley Supporter and I talked briefly. I said I could do a warm interview with Whaley, but he reminded me it was only about being fair, not biased.

Here is what I know: Burt Whaley is a conservative, Christian, veteran. He has his face on signs. They look way better than Tom Franiak’s signs, which are simple and lower cost. Whaley has more signs. Must have spent much more money on his campaign.

Either candidate, I hope, would be a good representative of the district I live in (Oldfield). Both are good, conservative men of faith. Time will tell how the winner will do.

Current officeholders see things from the many political public gatherings they attend. Whaley said the same things about being a conservative, Christian, veteran, stuff on his flashy signs. He doesn’t sound like a businessman (which Franiak is) who can actually communicate with state leaders on our behalf.

Me? It’s obvious I’m voting for Franiak. But if Whaley wins (which, according to his sign game, he will likely win) I’ll give him every chance to prove himself. In honesty, both are new to politics and need to be tested in Jefferson City. We have a clean slate and two new candidates, and I wish them both well.

I’d still hang out with Whaley and his Favorite Supporter (we have a common background, too) and I have nothing against them. I hope we can remain friends after this article is read and this election is over. I’m sure they’ll be more upset than ever, but that’s why political opinions can be so divisive.

Politics can divide us on so many levels, if we let them. I’ll be glad when we can get back to complaining about the weather and traffic in Ozark, or whatever. But what we stand for and what we believe politically matters. And yet, I have friends outside my political bubble. I hope you do, too.

I wish Burt Whaley and Tom Franiak all the best. Thank you both for running. Either one of you will be good for our area.

My previous article that caused the ruckus

My “Tom Franiak” article (Tom is the other candidate for State Rep. in the district because Brad Hudson is seeking a senate seat, so both Burt and Tom are newbies) that rubbed Burt’s buddy the wrong way, can be read by clicking here.

Tom Franiak speaks July 18 in Sparta /CCT Photo

My 87-year-old mom speaks out

My 87-year-old parents, who live next to me, were at the candidate forum July 18 in Sparta.

The next day, my parents played dominoes with my wife and me. During the game, mom commented, unsolicited by me. “Most of the candidates aren’t public speakers. They sounded like they didn’t have much to say. But that Tom Franiak, is that how you say his name? He sounded like he knew what he was doing.”

There ya go. Another “endorsement” from a non-officeholder!

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