Compliance Defiance

During the “plandemic” fraud of 2020-2021, I often refused to wear a mask in public.

I don’t like being told what to do if the new rules don’t make logical sense.

Real men follow their instincts like women follow intuition.

It’s not wrong to follow rules, generally speaking. We have speed limit and drunk driving laws for a reason!

But when the government oversteps its mission to ensure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for its legal citizens, citizens have the right to compliance defiance.

Walmart greeter turned Nazi Guard in 2020: “You’re supposed to wear a mask.”

Me: (not slowing down, remaining unmasked) “I know.” (Keep walking on in.)

Visiting my dad in the hospital, 2021 and 2022, I put on a mask at the entrance only to pacify the desk guard, then off it came.

One time, I breezed past the ER front desk at Mercy, ignoring the calls from the attendant to mask up.

I was on the fifth floor in a conversation in the waiting room with a friend when two security uniforms appeared, mask in hand.

One of them handed me the face diaper. “You’re supposed to wear this,” he said.

“OK,” I answered nonchalantly. I removed it after they left.

Sheep get slaughtered

The government made sheep out of most people in 2020. Masking was bad. Mandatory jabs for medical and government officials was evil.

I never got the vaccine. Never got covid.

I’m still healthier than most of you, and, barring an accident, will outlive most of you over 40.

I don’t go to doctors. Don’t get sick. No meds. No vitamins. No supplements.

I drink water and eat what I want.

Life, for free men, is good.

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