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nobody else DARES to print this

(This site intended for entertainment purposes only. No liability assumed for content.)

Come to the Nov. 29 meeting Ozark R-VI officials DON’T want you to attend!

OzARK, MO — Come to the Ozark Barn Theater, 2820 Highway W, Ozark from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 29 to hear firsthand accounts of abuses of power from the Ozark R-VI School District!

The meeting was canceled because some venues didn’t have the guts to host the meeting, hosted by Ozark Mo School District Awareness.

The group has gained a reputation of investigating contemptible behavior in the school administration and board of education.

Because of that, some folks are runnin’ skeered.

Here’s the article that ran before the meeting was postponed.

OZARK, MO— Bullied teachers are fighting back.

Shhh. Mum’s the word. Read this in a whisper voice.

The Ozark R-VI Board of Education and Administrators all got together Nov. 7 and sent a letter to Major Danny Cazier, former JROTC instructor at Ozark, that they weren’t allowed to talk about his case no more.

So Major Danny and friends are showing the public exactly what the fuss is about. Yep. You can come see for yourself WHY the Board and admin won’t TOUCH Danny’s case. (In case you haven’t heard, they forced him out because they didn’t want him around.)

Now you can resume a normal reading voice.

What: Ozark MO School District Awareness Meeting

When: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 29

Where: 2820 State Hwy. W Ozark, MO ( Ozark Barn Theater)

Speakers: Major Danny Cazier, ousted JROTC instructor

Mr. Tom Swift, currently still employed as a middle school teacher but being severely harassed by administrators

Mrs. Shelly Pettit, ousted middle/junior high teacher


*Administration continues to bully district employees

*Employees who resist abuses of power receive retaliation and false records planted in their files

*School Board is complicit and derelict in duty to rein in Superintendent and his allies

This meeting is free and open to the public! The public is urged to attend!

11850cookie-checkCome to the Nov. 29 meeting Ozark R-VI officials DON’T want you to attend!