Big Yellow Chair truth now revealed!

OZARK, MO — Have you seen it? If not, you must be blind. Or have advanced tunnel vision.

The Big Yellow Chair atop a not so big building east of U.S. highway 65 in Ozark, just north of the Ozark Chevrolet dealership. Yeah. That one.

Legend has it, the Big Yellow Chair once graced the home of a Big Yellow Giant.

The name of the Big Yellow Giant is Tom. Tom is a cabinet designer and a heck of a great guy. His big, yellow hands could work magic in the kitchen. Not with food, per se, but with the cabinet installation and decor.

Best work by a Big Yellow Giant anywhere around. Just ask delighted customers.

Take Rose Liza, a TV news celebrity, who loves the work by the Big Yellow Giant. “He works wonders,” she declared at a recent press conference of TV celebrities and their vast audience members.

Or Jamie Ray Bragg, a toy smith who had an apprenticeship in Santa’s workshop back in the day. “I make yellow toys, but this yellow chair guy, I mean, he’s the real deal!” Bragg pulls out a wooden top spinner toy from the dark ages. “Look, this thing spins and spins, but that big yellow chair, that thing…”

He drifts off into an ADHD coma, watching the spinning top.

We hear ya, toy boy…that yellow chair thing is magic!

Speaking of magic, Thommy Thaylor, clad in his broad rimmed hat and nose spectacles, is a solid magician of the highest form. He knows Tom the Yellow Giant. He can vouch for him. In fact, Tom himself could vouch for Thommy Thaylor, the magic-est magician around. “I think he could saw that Big Yellow Chair of mine in two, and not hurt a thing!” The Yellow Giant declared.

What does all this legendary stuff mean?

Well, if you dare travel the side road east of U.S. 65, you will find the Big Yellow Chair building with the Big Yellow Chair. And you will know what you suspected. A business just down the hill from the Big Yellow Chair is home to the finest cabinet designer/installer in the land!

38500cookie-checkBig Yellow Chair truth now revealed!