Bullying, vicious lies exposed by beloved JROTC coach

OZARK, MO— A beloved National Championship winning JROTC Coach gives Ozark R-VI School administrators a failing grade after he says they forced him to resign in March.

Major Danny Cazier, 50, a father of eight children, two of whom remain in the JROTC program at Ozark High School, told the Christian County Trumpet the dirty dark details of a posse of suit and tie crop top administrators.

The retired U.S. Army Major didn’t hold back his criticism.

“This was not an honest misunderstanding,” Maj. Cazier says of the administration and school board’s handling of his case. “This was dishonest and calculated.”

Maj. Cazier published majorcazier.com to explain the details of his case.

The introduction on the site reads: “This website presents the clear case of the extreme authoritative abuse from the administration of the Ozark School District against Major Danny Cazier, the Senior Army Instructor responsible for the District’s phenomenally successful JROTC program.”

Consider yourself lucky for having the Christian County Trumpet to blast the news that’s being covered up! (You’re welcome!)

After hearing from our sources, the Trumpet concludes the following:

Photo ©2022 Christian County Trumpet

CCT Story Time…curl up in your favorite chair and grab your popcorn…

CCT Proudly Presents:

The Case of a National Championship Winning JROTC Coach and his fall from grace into the clutches of the unrelenting School Super and his administrative Hit Men and School Board Minions


OZARK R-VI (Goliath) pick a fight with Major Danny (David) and try to get away with it!

Announcer: Ladieees and Gentlemennnn! In the corner of the ring, we have a former Army National Guardsman, math teacher, and bald headed guy who wears a suit and tie for his school pictures, Doctor Christopher Bauman, Superintendent of Ozark R-VI School District!

(Crowd appears to go wild. Camera zooms in on a few teachers, who look staged and forced as they clap woodenly.)

Announcer: Aaaand, in the other corner of the ring, we have a tenured Army veteran, former math teacher and current two time Consecutive National Championship JROTC instructor, Major Dannnny Cazzzzierrrrr!

JROTC cadets go crazy, cheering and whistling, then break into a chant: Ma-jor Ca-zier! Ma-jor Ca-zier! Ma-jor Ca-zier!

Some members of the audience join in, while most crane their necks to check with administration for guidance. The steely glares of the stoic, bald-headed, suited-up administrators squashes their enthusiasm, but only seems to bolster the exuberance of cadets and fellow students, who are on their feet, clapping and chanting. MA-JOR CA-ZIER! MA-JOR CA-ZIER!! They break into a perfect formation, flags and marching in step, uniformed and sharp, as more than a few staff members and most of the gobs of students clap along.

More than 50 teachers shrink into their seats, eyeballing the intimidating line of Hit Men on the Administration Lineup. The cameras catch a bead of sweat on one of the many Assistant Super’s foreheads. He looks ex-army. Heck, most of these guys look combat ready and appear to be able to bench press a 1944 Jeep with a spare tire on back.

The bell rings, a clanging hallway school bell alarm, and the fight is on.

Ozark Super vs. JROTC Champ

In the first round, the administrator’s poster boy seems to get the upper hand, as the crowd of Loyals cheers him on with manufactured enthusiasm. Many of them are wearing buttons with the Super’s name and bald head.

The School Board members seem divided, but reluctant to do anything other than cheer the Super. Even the newly elected Board President puts on a Super Bald Headed button, for fear of looking out of place. One lone board member, a new guy, mops sweat. He doesn’t look so ready to follow his colleagues. He’s not wearing the button. If you could get inside his head, you’d know that as an honest son of a banker from a small town, he’s wrestling with the ethics of cheering on an administrator that uses fear and intimidation to win the day. He knows that state law doesn’t even check the legitimacy of a complaint from a tenured teacher, and that the board should keep the administration they hired in check. He knows this administration is ego driven and out for blood against the wily JROTC coach, but he isn’t sure how he can stand up to the rest of the board when all they seem to do is defer to the Almighty Bald Headed Super.

This Board needs an election, fast! Get some NEW BLOOD on the board and keep these bully administrators in CHECK!

Below is another clip from Maj. Cazier’s account of the case:

Missouri Teacher Tenure Act
The Missouri Teacher Tenure Act (RSMo § 168.102-168.130,
https://revisor.mo.gov/main/OneChapterRng.aspx?tb1=168.102%20to%20168.130) provides six specific offenses for which a tenured teacher can be fired. None of them apply to me. So the District has had to manufacture allegations which it can they trace back to various District policies it can claim my behavior was in violation of so that it can thereafter allege a pattern of violations.
Unfortunately, the Missouri Teacher Tenure Act provides only procedural protection for teachers, not substantive protection. That means that the only thing subject to review after a teacher is fired is whether the District followed the prescribed procedure in terminating a teacher, not whether any of their charges were legitimate. In effect, the District can make up any allegation it wants to, independent of all evidence to the contrary, and use it as grounds for terminating even a tenured teacher. As long as the District goes through the prescribed steps – providing 30-day
warning, providing statement of charges, permitting appeal hearing, etc. – it doesn’t matter whether there was integrity to any of those steps.
The legislators who created the Teacher Tenure Act surely presumed good faith on the part of the administrations to which the law applied. If so, procedural safeguards would be enough. But when an administration acts maliciously and when a school board has made itself the servants of the administration, then the Teacher Tenure Act loses all of its ability to safeguard teachers against capricious dismissal.
As noted in my “Notice of Deficiency” section of this narrative, the charges against me are consistently false.
Nevertheless, there is no recourse in the Missouri Teacher Tenure act for a teacher falsely accused. Or rather, the only recourse lies within the very district that is perpetrating the abuse.

The Christian County Trumpet will disclose more details from Maj. Cazier’s explosive and exclusive interview in the coming days!

Don’t forget to spread the word … the Christian County Trumpet tells the TRUTH about Christian County, Missouri!

1340cookie-checkBullying, vicious lies exposed by beloved JROTC coach

8 thoughts on “Bullying, vicious lies exposed by beloved JROTC coach

    1. Hello Norman!
      Interesting perspective. What makes you think that? Noting was mentioned about religious beliefs. And, the superintendent went to a Christian school, Evangel University in Springfield, MO.

  1. I hear that the same harassment has been done against other teachers. Aren’t there laws against that?!?!

    1. I am interested in the other teachers’ stories. If they feel harassed, they can talk to the Christian County Trumpet. Safety in numbers, and we can’t incur change until we stand TOGETHER. If you know any oppressed Ozark teachers, please have them reach out to ChristianCountyTrumpet@gmail.com
      the CCT guy

  2. This has been an almost-unbelievable case to see unfold, as the district has continually twisted and distorted the provable facts against a stellar instructor. And yes, it happens to other employees, too. Lots of them.

    Thank you SO MUCH, Christian County Trumpet, for looking into these atrocious actions against many of the very best teachers and District employees.

    1. Chris
      We appreciate the support! There is still much to write about…here’s hoping people negatively affected by the Ozark schools will come forward!

  3. The public needs to know the truth about the gross abuse of authority from top administrators in the Ozark School District. The District uses the same tactics on any teacher or staff member that stands up to them or questions their agenda. This has been a problem for several years in this district under our current superintendent, and is widespread on every level. Several board members know about these issues, but ignore the issues and serve the superintendent in their “volunteer” positions. The BOE is supposed to oversee the administration and keep tyranny and abuse of power in check.

    Thank you for publishing this story! Hopefully this is the beginning of the TRUTH being exposed to this tyranny. Enough is enough!

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