Babies are now more at risk

MISSOURI, USA — Missouri’s newborns are at risk. The Missouri Supreme Court decided to overrule a lower court and allow abortion on demand to be on the ballot n November.

Isn’t is good to let the people decide? Isn’t that why Roe was overturned, so the states can decide?

Yes, you’re right. But how the issue got on the ballot, and what it means will harm more women and children. But, on the surface, it looks like the right of women to decide what to do with her baby’s body (not her body, but her baby’s body) will likely win in November. People like choices. They don’t want the government telling them what they can do.

So, that’s all they’ll hear. They won’t see the risk of removing health saving measures to protect the mother. Amendment 3 will remove that. Amendment 3 will allow anyone to practice anything they want and not get sued if the mother is harmed during an abortion.

But, that’s the choice voters won’t see. The choice to let a girl decide to kill her baby without her parent’s permission won’t be on their minds. It’s all about a woman’s right to choose. That’s all they’ll hear. And that’s why the Amendment will likely pass in November,

Then Missouri will be like the blue, liberal states. And girls can be proud to choose. And no government will take away that right. And everyone will be happy and entitled to their own choices.

So now what if it passes, and abortion is legal?

We continue to love people. We continue to educate people. We continue to carry the message that life is sacred, and all life matters, regardless of the situation. God created life. People make poor choices with their sexuality; others force themselves on someone. Either way, poor choices sometimes result in pregnancy. And then it’s up to us to live with the poor choice and love the newborn to full term and adoption, or consider raising the child if that’s an option.

People are looking for adoption options. Let them use those.

Just because something is legal doesn’t mean we should do it. Christians will have an opportunity to educate and love pregnant girls and women facing difficult choices. So be ready for that.

The state is flawed. The way people gather signatures for a new ballot issue is sneaky. Money from outside the state is used to push the agenda of the pro-abortion movement.

Let’s use our resources to show love and compassion to unwed mothers, those in need who want options, and really, down deep, don’t want to kill their baby.

Be wise. Be kind. Be available. Don’t complain about the outcome of an election. Rejoice in the opportunity to serve and educate those in need!

Perhaps by not doing what’s “legal”, we’ll do what’s right.

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