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Abused Ozark R-VI teachers speak out tomorrow

Re: Patterns of Misconduct in the Ozark School District, Tuesday, 11/29


Christina TonsingSun, Nov 27, 10:23 PM (11 hours ago)
to OzarkMO

We hope to see you this Tuesday when we will hear respected long-time teachers Major Danny Cazier, Mr. Tom Swift, and Mrs. Shelly Pettit reveal the traumatic pattern of harassment, retaliation, and fabrication of “evidence” and how it is repeated to remove targeted teachers. We’ll listen as they give examples from at least five employees who experienced the same pattern of abuse of authority and intimidation to be forced out of the district in just this past school year. (There are many more, even from that same school year, but their cases are not yet public as the threat of retaliation by the District remains strong.)

Join us at 6pm on Tuesday, November 29 at the Ozark Barn Theater, 2820 State Hwy W, Ozark, MO 65721 to hear for yourself and ask questions during a brief Q&A afterwards.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Find details and share at The community needs to know what is happening if we want to save our school system!

If you know someone who is unable to attend in person but would want to hear the information presented, we plan to broadcast it. Have them tune in at at 6pm to watch as it is livestreamed that evening.

See you soon!

Christina Tonsing & the parent group Ozark, MO School District Awareness (OMSDA) — follow us on Facebook

12380cookie-checkAbused Ozark R-VI teachers speak out tomorrow