A heartbreaking true story!

My in-laws live in Pennsylvania. On their 60th wedding anniversary, my father-in-law, 81, was lifting my mother-in-law, 82, from her bed to take her to the bathroom. He is the sole caregiver.

She has dementia and other physical complications that keep her mostly bedridden.

As he lifted her, he lost his balance and crashed into a piece of furniture, breaking five ribs. He managed to block her fall and she was okay.

However, in great pain, but too determined to avoid an ambulance bill, he struggled downstairs to a separate garage, with a manual door, lifted it, got his van, and managed to walk his confused and helpless wife to the passenger seat.

He drove to the emergency room and the wait began. Six hours. He had to stand the entire time because his pain was too great to sit. My mother-in-law was taken to a room and given an IV. She was dehydrated by the time they were attended to. My father-in-law was taken to another room with medication and an X-ray that revealed the broken ribs and a punctured lung.

It’s a bizarre alarm to all of us that older people with a disabled partner shouldn’t be left alone.

Relief for other heartbreaking true stories like this!

Cornerstone Caregiving in Ozark, MO offers in home care for disabled or elderly people in your life. Situations like my in-laws could be avoided.

Operating Director Jessica “Jess” Nolting is hiring more qualified women who want a flexible schedule and have a desire and experience in caregiving. “We focus on love and family,” Jess told the CCT. “We offer round the clock, or 12 hour, or even one- or two-hour shifts. We’re flexible, and our clients can change their frequency and times of care any time they choose.”

Hourly rates depend on how many hours per week are established, but Cornerstone is a company that values people above programs. “We aren’t a medical facility; we’re a compassion facility,” Jess said.

The office covers all of Christian County, and beyond. If you have a loved one in need of care, rush over to see Jess or call her right away. She and her staff are more than capable of giving free advice and setting up any kind of care in home.

Again, if you are a woman looking for caregiving work around your schedule, and you have one year or more in some type of caregiving, reach out to Jess.

Cornerstone Caregiving is located at 5505 N. 17th Street, Ozark, MO 65721 and at 417-815-0335 and jnolting@cornerstonecaregiving.com

27030cookie-checkA heartbreaking true story!