Amendment 3 is a freedom sucking trap!

Dear 7th District County Chairs and Vice-Chairs,

We all need to work to educate our counties on Amendment 3 on our November ballots. We need to educate ourselves on the talking points and how this is NOT about our opinion on the legalization, but the dangerous measures that will be enshrined in our Constitution. If counties want to work together to order signs our pay for a literature drop, this would be a great way to steward our money well. (signs are around $930 for 250) Jasper County is checking on digital Billboards.

I am attaching 2 flyers produced by “pro legalization of recreational marijuana” groups who are fighting tirelessly against this horrific amendment. We have permission to copy and distribute them to as many people as possible. (one has high-lighted talking points)

The flyer from Crossing Paths PAC is a pro-legalization group opposed to Amendment 3.

The flyer from Missouri Constitutional Conservatives PAC is from a group that does not take a position on legalization, but is working to expose the radical leftist agenda of Amendment 3.

Eapan Thampy (573-673-5351) is an excellent resource to each of us and will come speak with you or your groups, or be available to answer any questions.

Please know that powerful, radical left groups with deep pockets are changing our Constitution one ballot measure at a time. They are already working on Abortion Rights and as they keep winning and circumventing the legislative process, we will become BLUE in less than a decade.

Urgently calling for action,

Cathy Jo Loy
7th CD Chair
(417) 499-3338

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