Hate mail scandal exposes the truth about Ozark R-VI president!

OZARK, MO — Former Ozark School Board President Aaron Johns got caught doing something really, really stupid in a hate mail scandal.

And criminal.

And, in true Christian County, MO fashion, he got away with it.

During a recent election for County Treasurer, then Ozark School Board President Aaron Johns (who is STILL on the school board!) was running for County Treasurer against incumbent Karen Matthews.

Johns sent threatening and hateful letters to Matthews, and when questioned about it by law enforcement, he admitted knowing about the letters, but denied any involvement, until…

OFFICER: Did you have anything to do with the threatening and hateful letters to Karen Matthews?

JOHNS: No, it’s awful, I heard about that.

OFFICER: You know we found your fingerprints on the letters…

JOHNS: (Face draining, showing obvious signs of nervousness) Uh, well, are you sure someone else couldn’t have used my fingerprints?


OFFICER: (trying not to laugh at the absurdity) No, Mr. Johns. That’s not possible.

JOHNS: Well, I think I need to talk to my lawyer.

Clip from Dirty Harry 1971

So there you have it, folks. Aaron Johns is still a school board member in Ozark. Christian County Prosecutor Amy Fite learned of the case, and quickly passed the buck to the Taney County Prosecutor, who wimped out and didn’t prosecute.


The officer handling the case, Justin Gargus, was a veteran of the Springfield Police Department.

He was a sergeant for many years, before the anti-police Black Lives Matter woke Democrats moved in and shoved cops around.

Gargus and other good police veterans fled Springfield for friendlier turf, and that’s how Gargus came to serve in the Christian County Sheriff’s Department.

So, Johns is running around, a lucky man. He threatened a county official and, if it had been sent to Greene County, authorities there agreed he would have been charged with a felony.

Aaron Johns
Karen Matthews

Copies of original Court Documents on hate mail scandal

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