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How to resolve America’s health care crisis now!

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The health care industry is in shambles. Read every word to find out how to overcome the mess once and for all.

Background Story: My co-worker friend and I disagree on political issues; but, being friends, we have the luxury of talking openly about our differences without stabbing each other with rusty forks. I wish more people would get along that way. Open discussion without animosity. The outcome is healthy debate, giving both parties something to consider further.

That being said, the reality of my friend’s perspective causes my blood to run cold. It’s downright sinister, the way he thinks. Evil, even. I’m shocked, and the more I think about it, the more it eats away at my soul.

My friend justifies cold blooded murder

It’s sad. It’s sick. But it’s true. My friend thinks situational murder is ok!

He took me aside on one of his smoke breaks outside the workplace recently. Firing up a cigarette, he asked, “Tell me the truth. Do you honestly think what happened in New York City recently was a loss?”

My mind scrambled for what he meant. I’m don’t tap into news often, but the case of Brian Thompson, CEO of American UnitedHealthcare Company, gunned down on a Manhattan street December 4, 2024, surfaced. Click here for details.

I looked at my friend as he puffed away, sneering. “Of course it was a loss. Someone lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother. Loss of human life is always a loss.”

Not satisfied, my friend went on about all the people who died because of the neglect of health coverage related to Thompson’s company’s decisions to deny health coverage.

“His life is no less tragic than theirs,” I replied, resolute in my strong opposition to my friend’s position.

Thinking about it later, I am more resolved than ever that gunning someone down on a street in cold blood is far worse than a company policy resulting in someone’s death through poor health. If people have poor health, they’re gonna die more likely than healthy people. It’s sad, but true.

Gunning down an unarmed man walking the street is not ever the answer. But to my friend, it’s justifiable. Murder is situational.

Lest you think this is an isolated story, my same friend, when learning of the second attempt on Trump’s life during the recent presidential campaign, remarked, “They’ll find a way to get him yet.”

Eerie. Chilling. Disturbing. Words from a company manager, not some riffraff off the street. Advocating the murder of not only a fellow human, but a world leader.

My friend is certainly not alone. I know others personally with the same view. They were sad that the shooter didn’t kill Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. And he’s definitely not alone in his view of the murder of CEO Brian Thompson. Numerous social media outlets and lefties say it’s a justifiable homicide. The dude killing him had a manifesto with a warped view of the American health care system. I’m beyond creeped out by the left’s idea of morality. Kill anyone in your path that opposes you.

People are dying due to a health care crisis, not because they’re sick in the first place? Gimme a break! Adam and Eve didn’t have health coverage, and they never killed anyone about it! Seriously though, the American health care insurance system is broken. Don’t get health insurance! Don’t play that game!

How to win the health insurance or bill collections game

I don’t have health insurance, and I feel great. And if someday I don’t, I’ll do what Mike Dencklau, a Sparta, MO, auto shop owner, did. “Health care professionals take an oath to preserve life,” Mike told me years ago. “They will fix you up no matter what. And you can make payments according to your income.”

Dencklau said he had a major health situation and got through it by making $10 monthly payments. He submitted his payment plan to the health care provider in writing. They objected, but he continued to pay them $10 monthly anyway, stating that if his financial picture improved, his payments would increase. As soon as they cashed his $10 check, they automatically agreed to the terms. He continued to pay without repercussion. Nationally famous Financial Advisor Dave Ramsey preaches the same method for past due bills regarding collection agencies.

Heck, I’ve done it myself. Bill collectors in the past sent me to collections, and when I didn’t pay, sent me to the attorneys. The attorneys were way easier to deal with than the pesky collection agencies. I settled with the attorneys this way: “I will pay half of what I owe on this past due credit card, but I won’t pay the late fees. I can’t pay more due to my current financial situation. If you don’t accept my offer, I’ll take it to the next creditor and pay them instead. And I won’t make any payment unless you agree to my terms as paid in full… in writing.”

“We need to check with the creditor to see if they agree to your terms,” the attorney said. A few days later, they agreed, in writing. Ba da boom!

That’s how broke people navigate health care and past due bills. Open, honest conversations. You must make regular payments, however small, to be consistent. But you don’t have to pay more than you can afford. Get it in writing.

And, if you are truly sick, the health care professionals have to treat you. They took an oath.

But if you are full of cancer or whatever, killing a CEO isn’t gonna save your already doomed life. That’s a fact.

Come on, lefties!

I appeal to the Left to renounce murder and conform to the civilized view of law and order. No more advocating and justifying sick, twisted murderous thoughts. Shame on you all!

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