State Rep. now laid up in wheelchair for time being

CLEVER, MO — Burt Whaley, 60, newly elected 138th District State Representative, suffered two torn Achilleas tendons Tuesday, Sept. 10 while attempting a gymnastic “round off” (cartwheel-type activity).

Medical professionals told Whaley he’d be laid up for six weeks in a wheelchair, then have to learn how to walk again. “The long-term effects of such an injury are seven to nine months; but I hope to be back on my feet by the start of the legislative session in January,” Whaley said.

That’s a tough break for a tough guy. Whaley, a former military policeman and educator, is a husband, father, and grandfather to 11 grandchildren, who call him “Papa.”

“I won’t be able to be on the trampoline, teaching them tricks anymore,” he said.

Wowers. How many 60-year-old “Papas” are doing that sort of thing in the first place?

Whaley is known for keeping in physical shape and doing a variety of athletic activities many his age aren’t even attempting.

A tough break, indeed. Or should we say, tough tear?

Burt Whaley/File Photo

Prayers for a speedy recovery, and here’s hoping State Rep. Whaley will be “back on his feet again” by the time his first ever legislative session in Jefferson City rolls around in January. Otherwise, he’ll be “rolling around” the state capital in a wheelchair. We hope not!

The 138th District covers Stone County and southern Christian County in Missouri. Whaley does not have a Democratic opponent in November. He beat fellow newcomer Tom Franiak in the August primary to secure the legislative seat.

Whaley lives in Clever, MO.

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