Truth now: Amendment 3 leaves out parents!

Vote in the November 5, 2024 election.

Please vote NO on Amendment 3.

The Mission at Missourians Protecting Children and Families is straightforward: We must defeat Amendment 3 in the November General Election.

What is Amendment 3?

Amendment 3 is abortion on demand.

  • It would make abortion allowed for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy.
  • It would allow an abortion to occur at any facility and would allow any “health care professional” to handle the procedure. 

Parents would be shut out.

  • Pregnant minor children would no longer need their parent’s permission to receive an abortion.
  • Parents of minor children would not even be able to ensure the safety of their daughters as all safety standards for abortions would be removed from the law.

You would be paying for abortions.

  • Abortion facilities will be allowed to receive taxpayer funding if Amendment 3 passes.
  • This means you will be directly funding those who take the lives of the unborn.

Transgender protection laws will be overturned.

  • Amendment 3 would pave the way for more children to be groomed in a destructive life of transgenderism, including allowing harmful drugs and devastating, irreversible surgical body alterations.
  • Amendment 3 gives every person the right to make all
    reproductive decisions, regardless of who is harmed.

Thank you,

Eddie Campbell 


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