CCT is now reaching out to elected officials

Generic Elected Officials Photo Ripped off the Internet

CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO — The Christian County Trumpet is a free publication for voters and taxpayers in Christian County, Missouri. If you are an elected official representing Christian County, please accept this invitation to print any ideas or comments you have about your office, position, topics of interest to voters and taxpayers, or just personal stuff.

Voters and taxpayers want to know you. We need to hear from you outside of a political campaign. Include your name and contact information, along with the article or thought you’d like to print to:

CCT Official Logo by Johnny Rooster

My name is John Cockroft, but I go by my pen name “Johnny Rooster” and I will be happy to hear from you and print what you have to say!

Facts and figures

The CCT is now two years old. Founded in August 2022, the CCT has, of this writing, posted 243 times with nearly 185,000 views by over 116,000 visitors.

We welcome your content and opinion. The CCT is not necessarily a research, fact-driven publication. It is a space for opinion, entertainment, and understanding of topics and information not normally touched by mainstream media outlets.

Sponsorships and Partnerships

The CCT is actively seeking new sponsorships and partnerships from the business, professional and public office holding communities to further our message and mission.

Contact the publisher Johnny Rooster at or call me for more information.

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